He helped/He helps : نَصَرَ - يَنْصُرُ


A Sarf vocabulary list which fits on the mould of He helped/He helps : نَصَرَ - يَنْصُرُ
Naeema Abbas
Flashcards by Naeema Abbas, updated more than 1 year ago
Naeema Abbas
Created by Naeema Abbas about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
شَكَرَ - يَشْكُرُ He thanked / He thanks.
بَلَغَ - يَبْلُغُ He reached / He reaches.
قَعَدَ - يَقْعُدُ He sat / He sits.
ذَكَرَ - يَذْكُرُ He remembered / He remembers.
تَرَكَ - يَتْرُكُ He left / He leaves.
كَتَبَ - يَكْتُبُ He wrote / He writes.
خَرَجَ - يَخْرُجُ He exited / He exits.
خَلَقَ - يَخْلُقُ He created / He creates.
دَخَلَ - يَدَخُلُ He entered / He enters.
طَلَبَ - يَطْلُبُ He desired / He desires.
سَكَتَ - يَسْكُتُ He kept quite / He keeps quite.
لَمَسَ - يَلْمُسُ He touched / He touches.
نَقَضَ - يَنْقُضُ He broke / He breaks.
نَشَرَ - يَنْشُرُ He spread / He spreads.
خَلَدَ - يَخْلُدُ He stayed forever / He stays forever.
هَرَبَ - يَهْرُبُ He ran / He runs.
سَتَرَ - يَسْتُرُ He hid / He hides.
خَلَطَ - يَخْلُطُ He mixed / He mixes OR He combined / He combines.
نَقَصَ - يَنْقُصُ He reduced / He reduces.
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