Electricity from chemical reactions


Flashcards to support Year 12 Chemistry students to be able to: - use the electrochemical series to predict redox reactions - write half and full equations for redox reactions - describe the limitations of using the electrochemical series
Fiona Heathcote
Flashcards by Fiona Heathcote, updated more than 1 year ago
Fiona Heathcote
Created by Fiona Heathcote about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A chemical that oxidises another substance is called an... oxidant/ oxidising agent
A chemical that reduces another substance is called a.... reductant/ reducing agent
A Daniell cell consists of - Copper half cell Zinc half cell Salt bridge (internal circuit) External circuit
In a Daniell cell, energy is converted from ______________ to _______________. chemical to electrical
The Daniell cell is an example of ... ...a galvanic cell
A half cell is... ...half an electrochemical cell containing an oxidant and the conjugate reductant.
A galvanic cell is formed from the combination of ... ...two half cells
A galvanic cell is... ...an electrochemical cell. It converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
In a galvanic cell, the flow of electrons creates ... ... an electric current
In each half cell, the species present form a ... ...conjugate pair
In general, if one member of the conjugate redox pair in a galvanic cell is a metal, it will be used as the ... ...electrode
If there is no metal present in a half cell, what type of electrode is used? Inert. Platinum or carbon/graphite.
If one member of the conjugate redox pair is gas, what kind of electrode is used? A special gas electrode which contains a platinum electrode
Half cells usually contain spectator ions. What is a spectator ion? Ions that remain in solution and are unchanged in the course of a reaction.
In galvanic cells, the electrode at which oxidation takes place is called the ... ...anode
In galvanic cells, the electrode at which reduction occurs is called the ... ... cathode
In a galvanic cell the anode, where electrons are produced, has a polarity that is ... ...negative
In a galvanic cell the cathode, where electrons are consumed, has a polarity that is ... ... positive
What is the purpose of the salt bridge? Without the salt bridge, one half cell would accumulate positive charge and the other would accumulate negative charge. Accumulation of charge prevents further reaction.
The salt bridge contains ... ... ions that are free to move to balance charges formed in the half cells.
The salt bridge is also called the ... ... internal circuit
The electrochemical series is ... ... a list of chemical species arranged in decreasing order of their strengths as oxidants
Zinc loses electrons more readily than copper. Zinc cations are less likely to accept electrons than copper cations. This makes zinc a stronger ____________ than copper. reductant
The electrochemical series is valid for which conditions? Standard laboratory conditions: - temperatures of 25 deg celsius - 1 atm - 1M solutions
In galvanic cells, the stronger reductant is the half cell with the positive/negative electrode? negative
In galvanic cells, the stronger oxidant is the half cell with the positive/negative electrode? positive
The higher of the two half cell reactions in the electrochemical series goes forward/backward. forward
The lower of the two half cell reactions in the electrochemical series goes forward/backward. backward
Oxidation involves the loss/gain of electrons loss
Reduction involves the loss/gain of electrons gain
True or false? The movement of ions from the salt bridge into the half cell maintains electrical neutrality. True
In a galvanic cell the stronger oxidant will be oxidised/reduced and the stronger reductant will be oxidised/reduced. reduced oxidised
A current flows in a galvanic cell because one half cell has a greater tendency to push electrons into the external circuit than the other half cell. This is called the ... - potential difference - emf
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