Phrasal Verbs #8


phrasal verbs
Flashcards by titaleoni, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Eduardo .
Created by Eduardo . about 9 years ago
Copied by titaleoni about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
rely on confiar em: *don´t rely on get vocabulary by looking up words in a dictionary
right away nesse instante, já *I’ll call him right away!
hurry up depressa: *Hurry up! We’re going to misss our meeting
call off suspender, cancelar: *Think about calling off that game. It seems an accident is gonna happen
cover for Fornecer uma desculpa ou alibi para encobrir uma culpa: *She would cover for her brother when they came in late
aside from com exceção de *Aside from the hard work, I get along to all people there.
fall into to start doing something, often without intending to: *She fell into a conversation with a man at the bar. *I fell into my job quite by accident.
turn on ligar a eletricidade *Turn on the CD player so we can dance.
use up esgotar, usar até o fim *Someone has used up all the milk.
call on invocar, recorrer, apelar *The old minister continued to call on his sick parishioners.
get over recuperar-se de algo *I got over the flu, but I don't know if I'll ever get over my broken heart. *She’s just getting over a cold.
go over revisar algo *I’m just going over my essay one more time.
go through passar por algo *She’s going through a difficult time with her job. *We went through so many problems...
look into investigar algo *They are looking into the causes of the accident.
run across encontrar alguém por acaso: *I ran across my old roommate at the college reunion.
run into encontrar alguém por acaso (o mesmo que run across): *Carlos ran into his English professor in the hallway.
over time com o tempo, ao longo do tempo: *Fuly understanding the nuances of polite words and phrases requires a very advanced level of knowledge that cannot be forced but, instead, naturally developed over time
break out surgir, irromper, começar *The fire broke out in the early morning. *War broke out in 1914.
stay out ficar fora de casa *Our cat usually stays out at night. *My mum won’t let me stay out late.
get around evadir-se *He managed to get around the real issues
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