Social 10-Notes 1-1


To what extent should we embrace globalization?
Josie Sorensen
Flashcards by Josie Sorensen, updated more than 1 year ago
Josie Sorensen
Created by Josie Sorensen over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Globalization? The act of making or becoming global. -international division of labour -trade -cross-border corporate investments -transport & communications The process by which the world's citizens are becoming increasingly connected and interdependent
Who Are You? -Family relationships -Age -Interests and talents -Religious and spiritual beliefs
How do you express who you are? -Language -Friends you choose -Clothes you wear -Food you eat -Things you buy -Music you listen to -Leisure activities you do -Traditions
What is a collective?examples* A group to which a person belongs/identifies with. -Family -School -Sports -Language -Ethnic/Culture group
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