Higher Level Physics Overview


Physics Higher Level Formulas/Equations
Eleanor Ryan
Flashcards by Eleanor Ryan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by cian.buckley+1 over 10 years ago
Copied by PatrickNoonan over 10 years ago
Eleanor Ryan
Copied by Eleanor Ryan over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the shortest stopping time for a car which is travelling at \[16m s^{-1}\] and has a maximum deceleration of \[2.5 m s^{-2}\] ? \[v = u + at\] / \[s = ut + \frac{1}{2}at^2\] / \[v^2 = u^2 +2as\] \[t = 6.4 s\]
State the law of conservation of momentum momentum before = momentum after in a closed system / provided no external forces act
Explain why heat does not travel through solids by means of convection. the particles cannot move (freely)
Storage heaters are frequently used to heat buildings. State the principle that underlies the operation of an electrical storage heater. large heat capacity heated when electricity is inexpensive (off peak) / store a large quantity of energy / release energy slowly (during the day)
If a diamond has a refractive index of 2.42, what is the speed of light in the diamond? \[n = \frac{c_1}{c_2}\] \[c_2 = \frac{3*10^8}{2.42} = 1.24 * 10^8 m s^{-1}\]
Define the volt. potential difference (between two points) if 1 J (of work) is needed to move 1 C (from one point to the other)
A positively charged rod is brought near to a neutral, conducting sphere that is on top of an insulating stand. How would a student charge the sphere negatively by induction? earth the sphere (stated or implied) 4 remove earth (connection) and then remove rod
Explain what is meant by the statement: “Zinc has a threshold frequency of \[1.04 × 10^{15}\] Hz”. below this frequency e.m.r. /photons will not cause emission of electrons (from zinc surface)
Give one benefit of switching from fossil fuels to nuclear power for the generation of electricity. Explain your answer more energy per kg / less carbon dioxide produced / production of useful radioisotopes etc. explanation
Give an expression for the minimum frequency of a photon that can form an electron and a positron by pair production. \[(f=) \frac{2m_e c^2}{h}\]
What event inside an LED causes the release of a photon? electron combines with (positive) hole
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