Verbos más usados


The most common verbs in Spanish
Yana Yordanova
Flashcards by Yana Yordanova, updated more than 1 year ago
Yana Yordanova
Created by Yana Yordanova almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
to go ir -> voy
to make hacer -> hago
to have tener -> tengo, tienes
to say decir -> digo, dices
to see ver -> veo
to be able poder -> puedo
to give dar -> doy
to have (not tener) haber -> he, has, ha/hay hemos habéis han
to know saber -> sé
to come venir -> vengo, vienes
to put poner -> pongo
to sleep dormir -> duermo
to leave salir -> salgo
to open abrir
to bring traer -> traigo
to look after buscar
to lose perder - pierdo
to find encontrar -> encuentro
to buy comprar
to close/shut cerrar -> cierro
to take tomar
to start comenzar -> comienzo
to ask pedir -> pido
to understand entender -> entiendo
to carry llevar
to pay pagar
to know conocer -> conozco
to start empezar -> empriezo
to hear oir -> oigo oyes, oye oímos oís oyen
to translate traducir -> traduzco
to arrive llegar
to go up subir
to sell vender
to come back volver -> vuelvo
to change cambiar
to follow seguir -> sigo sigues, sigue seguimos seguís siguen
to end terminar
to forget olvidar
to serve servir -> sirvo
to die morir -> muero
to fall caer -> caigo
to drive conducir -> conduzco
to have lunch almorzar -> almuerzo
to walk andar
to enjoy divertirse -> me divierto
to receive recibir
to get out sacar
to laugh reir -> rio
to go to bed acostarse -> me acuesto
to tell contar -> cuento
to touch tocar
to dress vestirse -> me visto
to reach conseguir -> consigo
to earn ganar
to have to deber
to sit down sentarse -> me siento
to leave dejar
to fit caber -> quepo
to get up levantarse
to construct construir -> construyo
to wake up despertarse -> me despierto
to walk caminar
to wait esperar
to remember recordar -> recuerdo
to help ayudar
to send enviar
to lie mentir -> miento
to rain llover -> llueve
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