Chapter 9 Key Terms


Key Terms for Chapter 9
Flashcards by aubylinn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aubylinn almost 9 years ago

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Break-even chart A graph that depicts the relationships among revenues, variable costs, fixed costs, and profits (or losses)
Break-even point (BEP) The level of activity, in units or dollars, at which total revenues equal total costs
Contribution margin ratio (CM%) The proportion of each revenue dollar remaining after variable costs have been covered; computed as contribution margin divided by selling price (per unit or in total)
Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis A procedure that examines the relationship among costs (both fixed and variable), sales volume, and profits (either before- or after-tax)
Degree of operating leverage (DOL) A factor that indicates how a percentage change in sales, from the existing or current level, will affect company profits; calculated as (contribution margin divided by net income); equal to (1 divided by margin of safety percentage)
Incremental analysis A process of evaluating changes that focuses only on the factors that differ from one course of action or decision to another
Margin of safety (MS) The excess of a company's budgeted or actual sales over its break-even point; can be calculated in units or dollars or as a percentage; is equal to (1 divided by degree of operating leverage)
Operating leverage The proportionate relationship between a company's variable and fixed costs; reflects the cost structure
Profit-volume (PV) graph A visual representation of the amount of profit or loss associated with each level of sales
Variable-cost ratio (VC%) The proportion of each revenue dollar represented by variable costs; computed as variable costs divided by sales or as (1-contribution margin ratio)
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