science unit B


the first have of grade 9 unit b
Joyce Bukmeier
Flashcards by Joyce Bukmeier, updated more than 1 year ago
Joyce Bukmeier
Created by Joyce Bukmeier almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Scientist J.J Thomson Rays were made up of electrons Electron were part of an Atom (people didn't believe)
Scientist Chadwick discovered the nucleus contains protons and neutrons (they both weight the same)
Scientist Dalton Suggested that matter makes up elements Elements were composed of particles call atoms
Scientist Bohr Frist discovered how atom moved and suggested the electron shell
Scientist Nagaoka Refined Bohr idea of how the electron orbit and came up with the solar system idea of how the particles move.
Where is the Alkali-metals located on the periodic table? Group/Family 1
Where do u find the Metalloids on the periodic table ? The Diagonal line on the right side (purple)
Where are the Noble Gases found on the periodic table? Group/Family 18
where is the halogens found of the periodic table? Group/Family 17
Where are the Alkaline-Earth located on the periodic table ? Family/Group 2
Where are the Non-Metals on the periodic table ? The group on the right side (orange)
Where are the metals found on the periodic table? The middle part of the table (green)
Explain the Raisin Bun Model Nagaoka came up with it. The nucleus is all positive and there are neutrons embedded in it.
What is Evaporation When liquid turns to a gas
What is Freezing When liquid turns to a solid
What is Melting When a solid turns to Liquid
What is Sublimation When a solid turns to gas
What is Condensation When a gas turns to a liquid
What are the 3 different types of states 1) gas 2) solid 3) liquid
What is deposition When a gas turns in to a solid
what is a element Something that is on the periodic table that can not be broken down easily.
How to find the mass of a Neutron Atomic mass - Atomic number = neutron
what is the name for the vertical bar on a periodic table Group or Family (1-18)
what is the name for the horizontal bar on the periodic table period (1-7)
What is a mixture 2 pure substance mixed together
what is a pure substance a substance that has only 1 kind of matter
what is a Mechanical Mixture a mixture where you can see all the parts
what is a colloid mixture a cloudy mixture that can not be separated easily
what is a suspension mixture a cloudy mixture that one particle is hanging on to another
what is a solution two substance that are mixture together but cant see the different parts
what are 5 physical Properties 1) lustre 2) color 3) ductility 4) hardness 5) melting/boiling point 6) Conductivity 7) malleability
what is a compound two or more Elements combined chemically
what does W.H.M.I.S stand for? Work Hazards Material Information System
what are chemical properties? how one substance reacts with another
what is a Physical Change when the substance changes from one state to another.
what is a chemical change when the 2 substance creates a new substance
label 1 element square on the periodic table ATOMIC NUMBER = 8 2+ = ION CHARGE O = THE SYMBOLE Oxygen = THE NAME 16.0 = THE ATOMIC MASS
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