

Anna Sofía Stamatio Arciga
Flashcards by Anna Sofía Stamatio Arciga, updated more than 1 year ago
Anna Sofía Stamatio Arciga
Created by Anna Sofía Stamatio Arciga almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Chili pepper ( Capsicum annuum ) was round like most of the peppers and the phenomenon of child returned lengthened by lack of water . Its root is voluminous and deep. Their optimal storage conditions are temperatures of 7-10 ° C and relative humidity of 95-98 %.
Cotton ( Gossypium barbadense ) has not changed by the phenomenon of the child. Tree grows as a small shrub , and produces an unusually long cotton fibers. It is estimated that cotton Gossypum Barbados was first cultivated in a region between the current south coasts of Ecuador and northern Peru .
The Amaryllis ( Hippeastrum spp . ) Has changed the colors and triangular leaves were before. Different cultivars of Hippeastrum are , between the different species of bulbous plants, those that are best suited to growing in pots inside homes and can bloom year after year , whenever a rest period of about 2 months respected without irrigation or fertilizer in a cool , dark place.
The guinea pig ( Cavia tschudii f . Porcellus ) has had to change its color and has had to adapt to drier places. It is a species of rodent family of natural Caviidae Andes of Peru, Bolivia , Chile and Argentina , which gave rise to the different species of its genus , including Cavys to its domesticated form .
The Muscovy duck ( Cairina moschata ) has had to adapt to living in more places húmedos.Su typical habitat corresponds to the wooded sites with enough fresh water , preferably in wetlands , lagoons, or near streams or rivers of slow current .
The Guanaco ( Mulle ) has had to adapt to drier places. It is a wild , elegant animal, fine-boned , with a height of 1.60 meters and about 91 kilograms .
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