

Arturo Vegas
Flashcards by Arturo Vegas, updated more than 1 year ago
Arturo Vegas
Created by Arturo Vegas over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
CASH IN ON [Obtener Ganancias] Mr. Joseph Blatter cashed in on with his great influence in the FIFA.
REALITY CHECK [Colocar los pies sobre la tierra] - The Venezuela's economic problems will be resolved in 2017. -Really? Reality Check please.
BROWNIE POINTS [Adulador] I need to win brownie points for be in the Formula One.
CASH COW [Producto vaca (Matriz BCG)] The flour PAN is the cash cow of Polar Company.
BOOMING [En auge] The sales of the motorcycles are booming in Venezuela.
CHEAPEST [Muy económico] You remember when can of tuna was cheapest? Me neither.
WHITE GOODS [Línea Blanca] The white goods are very expensive but necesary in the house.
BROWN GOODS [Artículos electrónicos] In the ciber monday it sold brown goods in the United States.
RED GOODS [Comestibles o bienes perecederos] The red goods moves a lot of money everywhere.
ORANGE GOODS [Textiles y calzado] The Orange Goods are the paradise for the women.
YELLOW GOODS [Bienes de lujo] Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is the best manufacturer of Yellow Goods.
RED TAPE [Burocracia] I'm processed a Credit Card in the Venezuela's Bank. I'm Red Tape.
IN THE RED [En pérdidas] PDVSA company are in the red.
IN THE BLACK [En ganancias] Apple always are in the black.
BLUE SKY IDEA [Idea tonta] Socialist sanitary towel is a Blue Sky Idea.
BLUE SKY SECURITIES [Inventarios poco prometedores] The blue sky securities shop more famous in the world.
RISK [Riesgo] More risk can be more money.
LIKELY [Probablemente] Likely this is a great business for Amazon.
JOBLESS [Desempleados] The most of grads will be jobless.
LACK OF JOB [Falta de trabajo] The lack of job cause damages in the economy of a country.
INCOME [Salario] The incomes of the university teachers in Venezuela are a joke.
TO FIRE [Despedido] You are fire.
EMPLOYED [Empleado] Is not easy be a employed in China.
EMPLOYER [Empleador] Is not easy be a employer in Venezuela.
INTERNSHIPS [Pasantías] My dream is make internships in Google Inc.
SOLVER [Solucionador] All employed should be a creative problem solver.
ACHIEVEMENT [Logro] The big achievement of the revolution of Chávez.
RELATE [Relacionar] The information in the CV Should relate with the work Requested.
CAREFULLY [Cuidadosamente] The taxes books should be fill carefully to avoid penalties.
PRICELESS [Sin precio] Mastercard providing the Socialist Mission card. Priceless.
SHELF [Mostrador] Don't there are anything in shelfs in pharmacies.
WHITE COLLAR [Hombre de negocios] White collar most famous in Venezuela.
MISIDENTIFIED [Identificado erróneamente] Your e-mail was misidentified, sorry.
ADDRESSED [Dirigido] My message was adressed for you.
HANDSHAKE [Apretón de manos] The handshake most famous in the last year.
WEAKNESS [Debilidad] The bad employees are a weakness in the companies.
STRENGTH [Fortalieza] Speak english is a strength for find a work.
SELF CONDIFENCE [Autoconfianza] The self confidece in excess can be stupid.
OURSELVES [Nosotros mismos] We have to go out of our problems ourselves.
FIND OUT [Encontrar] -What is the problem? -Find out.
DEAD LINE [Fecha límite] My dead line in venezuela is very near.
DESIGNED [Diseñado] This was designed for nothing.
CANCELED [Cancelado] Someday will be canceled.
CONFIRMED [Confirmado] Those who speak English and Spanish make more money . Confirmed.
FELLOW [Compañero] Your best fellow is yourself.
COIN [Moneda] You lost your coin?
WALLET [Billetera] We will use travel bags instead of wallet in Venezuela.
WITNESS [Testigo] Everybody is witnesses of your stupidity.
TRUSTED [Confiado] I am trusted in your victory.
LEARN [Aprender] Learn English is a need.
PROFITS [Beneficios] All companies are looking for profits.
CERTAINLY [Ciertamente] Certainly, this is a disaster.
LOYALTY [Lealtad] Loyalty to stupidity.
SHAREHOLDERS [Accionistas] The Shareholders are the business owners.
STAKEHOLDERS [Grupos de interés sociales] The Stakeholders can be: families, goverment, and society.
KICKSTARTING [Empezar de golpe] Sometimes, only need kickstarting.
CROWDFUNDING [Fuente de financiamiento] In the crowdfonding it is not necesary the banks.
SOLOPRENEUR [Emprendedor con pocos socios] The solopreneur want increase his personal profits.
ENTREPRENEUR [Emprendedor con muchos socios] The entrepreneur shares the risk.
RECALCULATE [Recalcular] I can't believe we're in the red. Recalculate please.
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