

Flashcards on motion
Jade Dickey
Flashcards by Jade Dickey, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Dickey
Created by Jade Dickey almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Motion when an object changes position over time relative to a reference point.
Reference Point the object that appears to stay in one place as another object moves. ● Trees and building are reference points that we use on a daily basis.
Speed the distance traveled by an object divided by the time taken to travel that distance. ● What are some units of speed you use? m/h, ft/s ● What are some SI units of speed? km/h
Average Speed ● Generally objects do not travel at a constant speed. We have a formula for calculating average speed. ● Average speed=total distance total/time
Velocity ● This is the speed of an object in a particular direction. ● Velocity MUST include a speed and DIRECTION. Velocity changes any time the speed or direction of an object changes. Therefore velocity is only constant in a straight line at a constant speed
Acceleration This is the rate at which velocity changes. Speeding up slowing down or changing direction Formula: Final velocity - original velocity/ time
 Circular motion (changing direction) involves the continuous changing of the velocity. This occurs because the direction is continuously changing. An object in circular motion is accelerating even though its speed may be constant.
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