Latin Roots


Lesson 2
Flashcards by alexciaffaglione, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alexciaffaglione over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Aqu Water
Aqueous Solution in which the solvent is WATER
Art (Ert) Art; Skill; Craft
Artifact An object produced or shaped by human CRAFT
Dic(t) To say
Duc(t) To lead
Deduce To be LEAD by logic to a conclusion
Diction The choice and use of words and phrases in SPEECH or writing (Dic)
Equ Equal or even
Equator A line that separates the globe into to EQUAL spheres (equ)
Nil(i) Nothing
Nullify To cause something to have NO VALUE (nul)
Pot To have power
Potent POWERFUL (pot)
Pung, Punct, Poign, Pug To prick, to point
Acupuncture PRICKING the skin with needles at certain POINTS on the body
Sequ, Secut To follow
Consequences A result that FOLLOWS from an action (Sequ, Secut)
Simil, Simul Like or same
Simulate To imitate, recreate the SAME thing (Simil, Simul)
Tempor Time
Temporary For only a limited TIME (tempor)
VERB word; verb
Verbatim In exactly the original WORDS (verb)
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