Irish - Chapter 2


Flashcards on Irish - Chapter 2, created by Regan O'Kane on 27/12/2015.
Regan O'Kane
Flashcards by Regan O'Kane, updated more than 1 year ago
Regan O'Kane
Created by Regan O'Kane over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
an Fhrainc France
an Bhelig Belguim
an tSín China
an Bearla English (m.)
an Ghaeilge Irish
an t-earrach Spring
an samhradh Summer (m.)
an fómhar Autumn
an gaimhreadh Winter (m.)
an Luan Monday
an Mháirt Tuesday
an Chéadaoin Wednesday
an Déardaoin Thursday
an Aoine Friday
an Satharn Saturday
an Domhnach Sunday
an Cháisc Easter
an Carghas Lent
an Nollaig Christmas
mí an Bealtine May
mí an Samhna November
an tUaral _______ Mr. _______
an tOllamh _______ Professor ______
iascaire fisherman (m.)
ailtire architect (m.)
aire care
faire wake
trócaire mercy
cosán path (m.)
amhrán song (m.)
ceacht lesson (m.)
fuacht cold (m.)
leacht lecture
éad jealousy (m.)
seaicéed jacket (m.)
buicéad bucket (m.)
bualadh beating (m.)
béal mouth (m.)
scéal story (m.)
féar grass (m.)
páirpéar paper (m.) PLURAL - páipéir
méar finger
sméar berry
báicéir baker (m.)
siúinéir carpenter (m.)
búistéir butcher (m.)
múinteoir teacher (m.)
feirmeoir farmer (m.)
beoir beer
deoir drop
treoir guidance
cúntóir assistant (m.)
altóir altar
éagóir injustice
glóir glory
onóir honor
tóir pursuit
saighdiúir soldier (m.)
dochtúir doctor (m.)
coiste committee (m.)
páiste child (m.)
aiste essay
timpiste accident
tubaiste disaster
botún mistake (m.)
príosún prison (m.)
casúr hammer
pictiúr picture (m.)
deirfiúr sister
siúr sister/nun
feadaíl whistling
sábháil rescue
oscailt opening
tochailt digging
saichaint avoidance
tuiscint understanding
sáirsint sergeant (m.)
tiomáint driving
uirlis instrument
foraois forest
mailís malice
athbheochan revival
meáchan weight (m.)
abairt sentence
scairt call
beannact blessing
gluaiseacht movement
bunreacht constitution (m.)
comhlacht company (m.)
filíocht poetry
barúil opinion
canúint dialect
amharclann theatre
anlann sauce (m.)
salann salt (m.)
bábóg doll
brídeog bride
dallamullóg deception (m.)
an Astráil Australia
an Iodáil Italy
an Bhóinn the Boyne
an Éirne the Erne (river)
an tSionainn the Shannon
an Fhraincis French (language)
an Iodáilis Italian (language)
sráidbhaile village (m.)
ag at
ar on
as from, out of
chuig to
de off, of, from
do to, for
faoi under, about
go to, until
i in
le with, by
ó from
riomh before
thar over
trí through, among
um about, at
fear an fear man (m.)
athair an t-athair father (m.)
uncail an t-uncail uncle (m.)
óstán an t-óstán hotel (m.)
bean an bhean woman
máithair an mháithair mother
aintín aunt
ollscoil university
sráid an tsráid street
sláinte an tsláinte health
snáthaid an tsnáthaid needle
sochraid an tsochraid funeral
iris magazine
bainisteoir manager (m.)
sagart priest (m.)
duine person (m.)
tine fire
tionscadal project
teach na tithe house(s)
ógánach an t-ógánach na hógánaigh youth(s)
ábhar an t-ábhar na hábhair subject(s)
monarcha factory
Sasana England
madra dog (m.)
peann pen (m.) PLURAL- pinn (nom.)
bád boat (m.) PLURAL- báid (nom.)
bróg shoe PLURAL - bróga (nom.)
úll an t-úll apple (m.) PLURAL - úlla (nom.)
cos foot PLURAL - cosa (nom.)
leabharlann library PLURAL - leabharlanna (nom.)
fadhb problem PLURAL - fadhbanna
fuaim sound PLURAL - fuaimeanna
rang class PLURAL - ranganna
briathar verb/word PLURAL - briathra
doras door PLURAL - doirse
cruinniú meeting PLURAL - cruinnithe
ollamh ollaimh (gen. sing.) professor (m.) PLURAL - ollúna
bileog bileoige (gen. sing.) leaflet, handout PLURAL - bileoga
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