
Mohamed Abdi
Flashcards by Mohamed Abdi, updated more than 1 year ago
Mohamed Abdi
Created by Mohamed Abdi over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
habitats All organisms living things have a place where they live.
adaptation are the characteristics of an animal for example a lions adaptations are its; eyes,nose,ears and teeth
where organisms live organisms live all over the world, they are able to find suitable habitat.
environmental conditions its how well an organisms survives depends on how its adapt.
biosphere the biosphere is the place where all life as we know it exists. The biosphere is made up of the surface of the Earth.
ecosystem is a system formed by organisms interacting with each other and their non living surrounding in a balanced way.
food chain and food webs is a healthy ecosystems usually contain many different habitats and variety of organisms.
predator and prey a predator eats other animals and prey is getting eaten by an animal.
sustainable ecosystems ecosystems that are diverse and are able to provide the needs of the organisms
traditional use of fire fire causes rapid changes to the ecosystems.fire has been important part of Australian ecosystems since before humans lived on this continent.
Fuel reduction burning To many people living in Australia ,fire is an enemy and something to be prevented. however , when there is long time between fires ,the amount of fuel available causes intense fire.
fire monitoring technology different parts of the year when fires are almost likely to occur .these times are known fire seasons .
floods floods changes the ecosystems. the usual image of lake Eyre a dry bed of salt surrounded by desert.
flood plains flood plains are areas along the bank s of rivers and streams that are flooded when water level rises are high.
introduced species many species of plants and animals have been introduced into Australia.
animal control Native animals such as dingoes kill lambs for their food .Farmer build fences to protect their animals .
example of
biological control one method of controlling unwanted pest is to introduced a predator of the pest type of organisms that will complete with the pest food or shelter.
loss of species diversity Human actions have caused many native species to become extinct.A species is said to be extinct when nobody has seen it in the wild for over 50 years and the last known individual has died.
effect of industry Sumatra is one of the island of Indonesia.it has a huge range of plant and animals species ,some of which are found only on island.
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