
around the world in 80 days Inglés Flashcards on CAN, MUST , COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS, created by Paula Lopez on 05/03/2016.
Paula Lopez
Flashcards by Paula Lopez, updated more than 1 year ago
Paula Lopez
Created by Paula Lopez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Can Subject + Can + Verb
Can't Subject + Can't / Can not + Verb
¿Can? Can + Subject + Verb + ?
What is for Can? Permission _ Can I go to the cinema? Ability _ I can swim 100 metres (Don't use "to")
Must Subject + must + verb
Mustn't Subject + mustn't + verb
¿Must? Must + subject + verb + ?
What is for Must ? Obligation _ I must get up early Prohibition _ You mustn't be late (Don't use "to")
Countable Nouns We use How many...? to ask for a cuantity of thing that we can count . We can use : "Some", "A lot of", "Any" , "Many" (The noun that we are counting) They've got plural and singular
Uncountable Nouns We use How much..? to ask for a cunatity of thing that we can't count. We can use: "Some", "A lot of", "Any", "Much". (The nouns that we are counting) They've got singular, but not plural
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