Bon Copains


Important topic-related vocabulary
Jennie Mavvinga
Flashcards by Jennie Mavvinga, updated more than 1 year ago
Jennie Mavvinga
Created by Jennie Mavvinga over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
à mesure que as
accuser quelqu'un de + inf. to accuse someone of
la bande gang
bouder to sulk
ça va fumer! there'll be trouble
chercher à + inf. to try to
en commun in common
complice in it together
la complicité intimacy
confier à to confide in
confondre to confuse
la connaissance acquaintance
se construire to be built
contrarier to upset
couper to cut (off)
se défouler -to relax -to let off steam
dénoncer -to expose -to blow the whistle on
épauler to support
éperdument hopelessly
exprès -intentionally -on purpose
fidèle loyal
s'il le fallait if it was necessary
manquer -to miss -to be missing
la maternelle nursery school
menacer de to threaten to
prête à m'épauler ready to support me
quelqu'un de someone who is
se reconnaître to recognise oneself
résoudre to solve
rien de plus sûr nothing is more certain
rompre avec to break off (a relationship/friendship)
sans eux without them
le sens de l'humour sense of humour
se soûler to get drunk
suivre to follow
tenir à quelqu'un to be very close to someone
tomber amoureux de to fall in love with
tourner au vinaigre to turn sour
trahir to betray
la trahison betrayal
tranquillement -comfortably -without worrying
la vérité truth
se voir to see each other
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