How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


A level media evaluation
Flashcards by nixon-l-2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nixon-l-2 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Blogger Blogger was an essential piece of software for the overall presentation of my work, It allows me to display my work effectively through the creation of tabs to organise it depending on the stage of production. This is something i feel i have improved on in comparison to my preliminary piece which was unorganised and confusing to define which stage of production i was in.
Although blogger is used for the storage of my work it isn't very creative or interesting for people to look at my work. Prezi Prezi is one of many presentation methods i have used for making my blog more attractive. Prezi is similar to powerpoint and it allows images and diagrams to be displayed effectively. This also demonstrates a good use of IT skills along with the other presentation softwares i used.
Emaze Another presentation software i used was Emaze, similarly to Prezi it allows me to display information on a powerpoint style of software. During my A2 coursework, i used Emaze for the first time once again increasing the amount of variety on my blog therefore i believe that i have improved since As in this aspect.
Slideshare Slideshare is an online version of powerpoint which allows me to embed it to my blog as is evident from my textual analysis work. Slideshare often displays more heavy text and less diagrams and images in comparison to Prezi and Emaze therefore providing my blog with a more diverse presentation method showing a different use of IT skills.
GoConqr The final presentation software i used was GoConqr that allows me to create flashcards, This is very different in comparison to other presentation softwares i have used. The main purpose of this is to have an image on one side of the flashcard and text on the other. The software brings colour and images to my blog making it more interesting and unique.
Google Google was vital when creating my entire production, It allowed me to carry out my research by looking at existing media products allowing me to find the forms and conventions of the genre i selected for my film and also to access presentation softwares like emaze and Prezi. Most importantly Google allowed me to access blogger which made it possible to display my work.
Word Word was important during my production, i used this to plan my writing tasks for blogger and it was useful for the production of my script. Word was also used to simply crop images and save them so they could be put onto my blog making it less text heavy.
Apple-MacBook Without my laptop it would have been impossible form my production to take place. I used the mac to create my magazine using photoshop once again allowing me to display my IT skills in the editing process. My laptop made it possible for me to use google and carry out the research process giving me a clearer understanding of forms and conventions of existing media products which guided me towards my final piece.
Photoshop I used photoshop for editing and creating my magazine, It was hard for me to get to terms with the software at first having barely used it before however once i adapted to it, it enabled me to create a more successful and legitimate looking magazine.
FreeSound this website offers numerous different sounds which were effective in editing the trailer as well as conducting research into conventions of horror products. However on reflection from my audience feedback i believe that this aspect of my production could be improved through the use of more realistic sounds.
DaFont Dafont is also a online website but it allows people to download free fonts which vary depending on the genre that is selected. Once the font has been installed it can be used on word and Photoshop making it easier for the title to be added and edited onto my trailer and ancillaries.
Camera The camera was used to film the shots form my trailer. This was also helped by the use of the tripod which steadied the shots making them seem higher quality. The camera was also used to film my focus group resulting in audience feedback and it was also used when Joe took location shots which i wrote about and discussed with my group for the best result.
Survey Monkey finally, like my focus group survey monkey was also use to get responses about my production form my target audience, This website allows you to create questionnaires that can be completed by your audience. The question types can be changed based upon if you want closed or open ended question answers.
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