3.2 Non-ferrous metals


Prüfung Englisch (3.2 Non-ferrous metals) Flashcards on 3.2 Non-ferrous metals, created by Franzi Ska on 24/04/2016.
Franzi Ska
Flashcards by Franzi Ska, updated more than 1 year ago
Franzi Ska
Created by Franzi Ska over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
non ferrous metals metals that do not contain iron
aluminium -widely used, often in alloy form -duralium: alloy (used in aircraft manufacturing) which also contains copper and magnesium -al can also be alloyed with titanium to produce very stron, lightweight metals
copper -excellent electrical conductor ->use in electric wires -good ductility -> suitable for pipes -widely used in alloys: ->brass(messing) (copper and zinc) ->bronze (copper and tin, sometimes lead(blei))
silver -PRECIOUS METAL ->reference to its high cost -best electrical conductor
gold electrical conductor corrosion resistant
plating covering with a thin layer of metal to protect steel from corrosin example: galvanizing (zinc plating)
hot-dip galvanize placing metal in molten zinc
electro-galvanize -type of electroplating -steel component is placed in a liquid (electrolyte) -connected do the negative terminal (to become the cathode) -piece of zinc is also placed in the electrolyte+connected to the positive terminald (anode) of the supply. -an electric current then flows between the pieces of metal, through the electrolyte. this causes a chemical reaction, which deposits zinc on the cathode, plating the component.
anodizing related process -to protect aluminium -component to be anodized is connectet to the positive terminal+placed in electrolyte, whith a cathode. as electricity flows, aluminium oxide is deposited on the anode. as this is harder than aluminium metal, it provides protection
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