Phrasal Verbs for real


English Studies II
Nelson Ramos
Flashcards by Nelson Ramos, updated more than 1 year ago
Nelson Ramos
Created by Nelson Ramos over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
add up make sense I'm afraid your story just doesn't add up.
allow for consider when making a plan You haven't allowed for the cost of all the materials.
break down lose control of one's emotions A friend of the dead man broke down and wept when he told how he found the body.
break off stop doing something She broke off their conversation to answer her mobile phone.
break up come to an end The meeting broke up in confusion.
bring about cause to happen The digital revolution has brought about profound changes in our society.
bring up mention I'd like to bring up another matter, if I may.
carry out complete a plan Please make sure you carry out these instructions.
catch on become popular Camera phones have really caught on lately.
come about happen Many positive changes have come about as a result of his efforts.
come down to in the end be a matter of In the end, this problem comes down to overpopulation.
come off take place successfully Everyone is hoping that the new plan will come off.
come out appear, be published Her new book comes out next week.
come up to be as good as The restaurant didn't come up to our expectations.
come up with think of an idea, plan etc. She has come up with a really good idea.
count on rely on You can count on me for support at the meeting.
crop up happen, appear unexpectedly The same name kept cropping up during the investigation.
do away with abolish The school decided to do away with uniform, and let pupils wear whatever they liked.
do without manage without I can't do without a cup of coffee when I get up. It's essential.
drop in visit Do drop in if you're in the area.
fall back on use after all else failed His father persuaded him to finish college so he would have something to fall back on.
fall for be deceived by Harry fell for the oldest trick in the world.
fall out with quarrel with Paul and Jim have fallen out with each other again.
fall through when a plan or arrangement fails We thought we had agreed to buy the house, but the deal fell through.
fit in with be included in a plan I'm afraid your suggestion doesn't fit in with my plans.
get across make others understand Chris has some great ideas, but can't always get them across.
get at suggest meaning What exactly are you getting at? I don't understand.
get down to start to deal serously with It's time you got down to some serious work.
get on make progress How are you getting on in your new job?
get over with finish something unpleasant I always try to get my homework over with as quickly as possible.
get round to find time to do I'll try and get round to writing some letters later.
give away betray I'm not giving away any secrets if I tell you this!
give up surrender / stop looking for because lost or dead The two gunmen gave themselves up when more police arrived. The dog had been given up for lost before he was found 200 miles away.
go back on break a promise MPs accused the government of going back on earlier promises.
go on happen There's something strange going on here!
hit it off get on well with someone I don't really hit it off with my new neighbour.
hit on/upon discover by chance, have an idea We hit upon the answer to the problem completely by chance.
hold up delay Sorry I'm late. I was held up at my office.
keep up continue to do something Don't relax the pressure, we must keep it up until we finish the job.
let down disappoint Jim was supposed to help me yesterday, but he let me down.
live up to reach an expected standard My holiday in China certainly lived up to my expectations. It was fantastic.
look into investigate The airline is looking into my complaint about my missing baggage.
make out manage to see, hear, understand I could just make out some writing cross the top of the door.
make up invent It turned out that Joe had made up the whole story and wasn't a journalist at all.
make up for compensate for Joe's silver medal in the 200 meters made up for this disappointment in the 100 meters.
pay back take revenge I'll pay him back for all the rude things he's said about me!
point out draw attention to a fact Can I point out that I did suggest that idea in the first place!
put off discourage, upset I can't sing if people stare at me. It puts me off.
put up let someone stay in your house Why don't you come and stay? We can easily put you up for a few days.
put up with tolerate, bear After a while the noise became so loud that Brian couldn't put up with it any longer.
rip off charge too much, cheat $250 a night in that hotel? You were ripped off!
run into meet by chance You'll never guess who I ran into the other day! Your old friend Marianne.
see someone off go to the station with someone etc. to say goodbye Anna is coming with me to the airport to see me off.
see through understand dishonesty, pretence He pretended to be busy, but I saw through his deception at once.
set up establish, arrange (a meeting) The police have set up an inquiry into the complaints.
sort out do something to solve a problem I'm sorry about the mistake. We'll sort it out as soon as we can.
stand by keep to (especially an agreement) The leader of the party said they would stand by the agreement they made last year.
stand for represent, tolerate In this sentence, i.e. stands for id est, the Latin for 'that is'.
stick up for defend Don't just say nothing! Stick up for yourself.
take on acquire a particular characteristic Her words have taken on a different meaning since the accident.
take over gain control of A small group of determined men took over the country.
talk into/out of persuade I didn't want to buy the car, but the salesman talked me into it.
tell off criticize angrily Ted's teacher told him off for being late.
try out test to see if it works They tried out the new drug on animals before using it on humans.
turn down reject The council has turned down our application for planning permission.
turn out happen to be in the end The girl in red turned out to be Maria's sister.
turn up arrive or be discovered by chance Guess who turned up at our party? Your old friend Martin!
wear off lose effect When the drugs begin to wear off, you may feel some pain.
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