How the Brain Changes and Genetics


Definitions about how the brain changes and genetics
Steph M
Flashcards by Steph M, updated more than 1 year ago
Steph M
Created by Steph M over 8 years ago

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Critical Periods Times during which particular experiences must occur for development to proceed normally
Plasticity A property of the brain that allows it to change as a result of experience or injury
Phantom Limb The intense sensation that the amputated body part still exists
Radical Hemispherectomy This surgical procedure removes an entire cerebral hemisphere, sometimes performed on young children with severe an uncontrollable epilepsy. The remaining hemisphere eventually takes on most of the lost hemisphere's functions
Genetics Used to describe how characteristics such as height, hair colour, and eye colour are passed along to offspring through inheritance, refers to the process involved in turning genes "on" and "off"
Gene Expression Whether a particular gene is turned on or off
Genome Is the master gene blueprint that provides detailed instructions for everything
Chromosomes Structures within the cell body that are made up of DNA, segments of which compromise individual genes
Genes The units of heredity that help determine the characteristics of an organism
Human Genome Project An international research effort, mapping the entire structure of human genetic material
Selective Breeding Strictly controlling which plants or animals are bred which another plant or animal
Dominant Gene A gene that is expressed in the offspring whenever it is present
Recessive Gene A gene that is expressed only when it is matched with a similar gene from the other parent
Genotype The genetic constitution of an organism, determined at the moment of conception
Phenotype Observable physical characteristics, which result from both genetic and environmental influences
Polygenic When a trait is influenced by many genes, as well as the environment
Zygote A fertilised cell
Cell division This is how a zygote grows, first the chromosomes duplicate, then the cell divides into two new cells with an identical chromosome structure
Mutations When errors or alterations occur in the DNA during cell division
Industrial Melanism The phenomenon that accounts for the fact that in areas of the world with heavy soot or smog, moths and butterflies tend to be darker in colour
Sickle-cell Disease A genetic disorder that alters the bloodstream's processing of oxygen, it has some benefit in that it increases resistance to malaria, prevalent in certain parts of Africa
Behavioural Genetics The study of how genes and environment interact to influence psychological activity
Twin Studies Compare similarities between different types of twins to determine the genetic basis of specific traits
Monozygotic Twins Also called identical twins, twin siblings that result from one zygote splitting in two and therefore share the same genetics
Dizygotic Twins Also called fraternal twins, twin sibling that result from two separately fertilised eggs and therefore are no more similar genetically than nontwin siblings
Adoption Studies Compare the similarities between biological relatives and adopted relatives
Heredity The transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring by means of genes
Heritability A statistical estimate of the extent to which variation in a trait within a population is due to genetics
Variation The measure of the overall difference among a group of people for that particular trait
Epigenetics "On top of genetics", here the environment is seen as layered over genetics
Optogenetics Research technique that provides precise control over when a neuron fires, combines the use of light with gene alterations
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