

Flash cards for RS unit 4 gcse
Miraal Ali
Flashcards by Miraal Ali, updated more than 1 year ago
Miraal Ali
Created by Miraal Ali over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Immortality? The idea that even though a person is physically dead, they continue to live in some way e.g. Memories, Legacies, Reincarnatiom
Death When a person's body stops functioning. Medical Profession considers death to be when brain activity stops.
Dualism The idea that humans have two basic natures. - Spiritual and Physical. While a person is alive both the physical and spiritual are linked, but when the person dies they become separated. The body will decay at death and mind/soul is immortal and will live on in some form according to religion.
Legacy Great work of art, music, literature, architecture or sport ; a scientific discovery or invention ; some charitable work
Argument for Legacies - It is used to appreciate the great work of people e.g. Muhammad Ali's phenomenal boxing career record and iconic influence, which will stay immortal forever
Arguments Against Once a legacy is forgotten then the person who was remembered then disappears.
Memory of others some people survive in the memory of loved ones and friends, who probably have photographs or keepsakes and find memories and recollections of the person who died
Argument for ' memory of other ' Memories of those people who have passed away keep them 'alive' in some way therefore they stay immortal while people remember them
Reincarnation Hindu's and Sikhs believe in reincarnation and teach that when the body dies, the soul will move onto another body to live another life.
Rebirth Buddhist believe in rebirth : They do not believe that people have souls but they believe each life is linked in some way.
Argument for Rebirth and Reincarnation Past life regression is a therapy that encourages people to remember past lives. Sometimes people have remembered names and places which are later verified as having existed in the past life.
Argument against rebirth and reincarnation Not all memories of earlier lives under hypnosis have been found to be accurate. People may be remembering information gained in childhood and mistaking these as past life memories.
Resurrection The person is raised from the dead in some form. Christians, Jews and Muslims believe in resurrection after death. The soul is immortal which means that it will exist forever. This is referred to as 'immortality of the soul' - Humans live for a short time on earth for a reason - life is a test and how life is lived will have consequences for what happened to the soul after death. At the end of time Judgement will take place by God/Allah with the results - heaven or hell
Argument for Resurrection For Muslims proof is the saying's from the Qur'an. "And to every soul will be paid in full (the fruit) of its deeds; and Allah knoweth best all that they do." (Surah 39:70) - Allah will balance the good deeds a person has done in their life against the bad deeds.
Argument against Resurrection if people have souls, why is there no evidence that they exist? The medical profession has not found a body part matching the concept of a soul ( However ) - many believers respond by suggesting that the soul is made up of unknown substances that cannot be seen or detected by medical equipment.
Scriptural Accounts & Revelation Revelation - To show something that was unknown. In religion it refers to message that are revealed by God. As the Qu'ran was kept safe by ' Allah ' Almighty and he is who revealed the Qu'ran through Angel (Jibraeel) to Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ), gradually through the period of 22 years.
Arguments for They are accepted as the truth by believers in that religion but if people do not belong to that religion then they are not likely to accept them as true. Believers accept them based on their faith in that religion, the holy texts and revelations themselves.
Argument against Non-believers do not have that same faith so many be sceptical about accepting it as the truth.
Channeling/ Spirtualism The belief that it is possible to communicate with the dead. This can take through a medium such as ' ouja boards ' or ' black magic ' or people who are able to receive messages from the spirit world and pass these messages on to the loved ones who are still alive
Near Death Experience ( NDE ) Advances in technology have resulted in more people who have been declared clinically dead being resuscitated.
Ghost Experience? Ghost are genuine manifestations of dead people
Argument For ( Ghosts ) There have been sightings at the same place by different people at different times which would support some sightings as genuine. Muslims believe in ' Jins ' that cannot be seen naturally and were created from fire.
Argument Against ( Ghosts ) Sightings of ghost can be hallucinations of some sort. It could be a trick of the light, a breath of the wind or poor eyesight.
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