Enviromental Issues


Flashcards on Enviromental Issues, created by maxtwenty on 07/06/2016.
Flashcards by maxtwenty, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by maxtwenty over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Environmental Issues (Ruining our Planet) - Water Exploitation - Destruction of the Rainforest
Destruction of the Rainforest Rainforests contain a large store of renewable natural resources. They are a complex and fragile ecosystem.
Destruction of the Rainforest Reasons for destruction Logging for: - farmland - palm oil and soy-bean plantations - grazing land for cows - lumber - livestock farming
Destruction of the Rainforest Consequences of destruction - Soil erosion - Loss of local climate regulation - Loss of biodiversity - Release of carbon dioxide - Eviction and decimation of forest people - Loss of animals and plants
Destruction of the Rainforest What can we do? - Buy local products - Use regional lumber - Give up using palm oil products - Buy local wood products - Buy domestic food - Don't buy South American soy-bean products
Destruction of the Rainforest Palm oil (1) The palm oil use in the world is huge because it is in many cosmetic products and foods. To produce palm oil, the industries are logging the rainforests also illegally to plant palm trees.
Destruction of the Rainforest Palm oil (2) The farmland is just a few years able to productively grow palms. The old palm oil plantations can't be used again because the soil is no more fertile.
Destruction of the Rainforest Palm oil (3) To reduce palm oil production, we can use products without the oil. Buy regional products with alternative oil content. Or palm oil products with the "Fairtrade" and "Organic" label
Water Exploitation (1) Water is essential for the survival of humans, animals and plants. Water is life!
Water Exploitation (2) It is wrong to see fresh water as an endlessly renewable resource. Water needs time to restore the underground storages but the industries, farmers and cities consume need more and more water, so the exploitation is in progress.
Water Exploitation (3) Companies like Coca Cola and Nestle have water rights in several 3 World countries and exploit the water sources. Many factories of the companies use the whole water of a well, so the population has no fresh water.
Water Exploitation Farming In countries with low water recourses, the industries waste water to grow plants in glasshouses. Agriculture needs a huge amount of water to water the plants. Pesticides and fertilitzer are a huge factor for water pollution.
Water Exploitation What can we do? - Buy local fruits and vegetables - Don't buy water from global companies - Don't waste water - Use rainwater to sprinkle the flowers
Pesticides (Environmental Issues) Pesticides are a huge factor for pollution of fresh water and the environment. Not only in the area where they are applied. Splash up pesticides produce a pesticide cloud which contaminates the neighbouring fields too. Pesticides are very harmful for our health.
Pesticides (Environmental Issues) What can we do? - Buy from local organic farmers. The "organic" sign means that the products are checked and they are free from pesticides. - Don't use pesticides in home gardens or balcony gardens.
Save the Planet it's the only one we have! What can we do? - buy organic products - use glas bottles - don't waste water - don't buy conventional palm oil products - buy sustainable clothes - don't waste fossil fuels, use public transportation and e-cars
Enviromental Issues Role at Exam Greenpeace activist Goverment worker Mayor Spokesman of local farmers
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