Legal exam


jen heet
Flashcards by jen heet, updated more than 1 year ago
jen heet
Created by jen heet about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
the difference between a Bill and an Act -a bill is a proposed new law drafted by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel which is presented to parliament for debate and enactment -an act is a bill which has passed through both houses in exactly the same form and has been assented by the GG. Does not become law until proclaimed in government Gazette
the 3 “reading” stages and what goes on in each 1st reading -formal reading stage where bill title is read by clerk and bill is 'read' for first time. not literally read as members read it privately outside parliament. vote on voices 2nd reading minister gives speech to outline broad principles, intent funding and administration of bill. after adjournment broad principles but not amendments are debated.then opposition outlines its reply (agree or oppose) 3rd reading -formal stage where the long title is read and house agrees -debate is rare -if oposition still disagrees they must rely on senate
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