Unit 1.1 Energy around us


Opal Khan
Flashcards by Opal Khan, updated more than 1 year ago
Opal Khan
Created by Opal Khan about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why is energy needed? Energy is needed to move or heat something, to make a noise, or to change an object's shape.
What is work? Work is the name given to the effects of using energy.
When is work done? Work is done whenever an object is shifted or forced to change shape.
What are some different forms of energy? Some different forms of energy include: -Kinetic energy -Heat energy -Light energy -Sound energy -Electrical energy
What is kinetic energy? Kinetic energy is the energy of movement. Anything that moves has kinetic energy. The faster an object moves the more kinetic energy it has.
What is heat energy? Heat energy can come from the Sun, flames, chemical reactions, electrical devices or even from a person or animal. Heat warms, burns, dries, melts, and makes hit-air balloons rise.
What is light energy? Light energy comes from the Sun, light globes, fires and animals such as glow-worms. Without light energy, the world would be a very dark place.
What is sound energy? Sound energy is the energy that air has when it is vibrating. Your ears and brain interpret the vibrating of air as sounds. Sound comes from your voice, musical instruments, cars and power tools.
What is electrical energy? Electrical energy comes from power stations, solar cells, batteries and sparks such as lightning. Electrical energy powers your TV, computer, microwave and toaster.
What is potential energy? Potential energy is stored energy possessed by an object, such as elastic potential energy of a squashed spring.
What are some examples of potential energy? Examples of potential energy include: -Petrol in a car's fuel tank -Books on a shelf -A squashed spring
What does stored energy do? Stored energy gives objects the potential to make things happen like the books can fall off the shelf and the petrol can burn.
What is one form of potential energy? One form of potential energy is the chemical energy your body gains from eating food.
What is photosynthesis? The process in which green plants convert light energy into chemical energy.
What are some different types of potential energy? Some different types of potential energy include: -Gravitational potential energy -Chemical energy -Elastic potential energy -Nuclear energy
What is gravitational potential energy? Gravitational potential energy is energy stored in an object when it is above the ground. The greater the height, the more gravitational potential energy an object has.
What is chemical energy? Chemical energy is energy stored in substances. This energy is released by your body when you digest food, and by cars when fuel is burnt.
What is elastic potential energy? Elastic potential energy is energy stored in a stretched or squashed spring. Stretched rubber bands also store elastic potential energy, which is released when they are let go.
What is nuclear energy? Nuclear energy is stored inside the small particles that make up all matter. Nuclear energy is released in a nuclear power plant, in a nuclear bomb explosion, and inside the Sun. Nuclear reactions produce heat and light.
What unit is used for measuring energy? Energy is measured using a unit called the joule (symbol J)
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