Unidad 3 Ingles Rem 5


Diego Alejandro Perez Sanchez
D Pérez
Flashcards by D Pérez, updated more than 1 year ago
D Pérez
Created by D Pérez about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Acquire adquirir
Launch a product Lanzar un producto
Mortgage Hipoteca
Overtake Rebasar
Branch Sucursal
Deadline Time limit
Start Up Creation
Break into an area Entrar en un area
Broaden your product range Ampliar gama de productos
Chain Extenderse
Classic example Ejemplo Clasico
Come up with an idea Tener una idea
Competitive Market Competencia de Mercado
Consultant Consultor
Corporation Corporacion
Decline Disminucion
Discounted Descuento
Electrical appliance Aparato electrico
Empire Imperio
Entrepreneur Emprendedor
Expand Expandir
Face Collapse Enfrentar colapso
Founder Fundador
insight Vision
Leadership Liderazgo
Lose Custom Perder la costumbre
Maintain quality Mantener la calidad
Merger Fusion
Novelty Novedad
On the back of a previous success Exito previo
Outlet Salida
Private investor Inversor privado
Profitable Rentable
Recall Recordar
Record profits Record de ganancias
Selling point Punto de venta
Spectacular growth Gran crecimiento
State owned enterprise Empresa del Estado
Stuck on a problem Atrapado en un problema
Substandard Deficiente
Trading Company Empresa comercial
Turn a company around Girar en torno a una empresa
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