
For first grading
Flashcards by JUICEWAHMIGSS, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JUICEWAHMIGSS about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Paintings from Pre-Historic ERA paintings are found in the cave and is a way of communication
Paintings from Ancient Egypt Journey to the underworld.Emphasizes the life after death
Main colors used in Ancient Egypt Red,Black,Blue,Gold and green
Example of an egyptian painting Paintings from Sacrophagus of Tutankhamen XVII dynasty
Paintings from classical Greek Era Paintings in this era is commonly found in vases,panels and tomb
Common Methods of greek painting Freso and encaustic
Fresco painting water based pigments on a freshly applied platter
Encaustic Use of hot wax and Pigments to paint a was hull
Kerch style reffered to as Kerch Vases are red
Shapes commonly found pelike lekanis lebes gamikos krater
pelike wine container
lekanis low bowl with two horizontal handles and a low broad foot
lebes gamikos w/high handles and lid use to carry bridal bath
Krater bowl use for mixing wine and water
Polycromy combination of differents colors
Panel painting paintings on flat panels of wood
Earliest known panel painting Pitsa Panel
Tomb/Wall painting popular during classical period. It uses method of fresco in either tempera (water-based) or encaustic(wax)
Example of a tomb painting Tomb of David
Paintings From Roman Era Paintings in this era were copied from helenic greek.Fresco technique were used
Mosaic art process where an image is made using small pieces of colored glass, stones or other materials.
Examples of Mosaic Head of Alexander Fresco from the Villa of Mysteries Boscotrecase,Pompeii
Byzantine Painting They have lively style of painting but for Christian Subjects
examples of Byzantine Painting The court of empress,Theodora mosaic Fresco From The Villa Mysteries
Romanesque Period They Have largely placed mosaics on the walls of the churches
Mandorla Italian word for almond used to describe an enclosure surrounding holy figures in painting
Example of a Romanesque painting Christ in Majesty
Paintings from Gothic Era Paintings have been Confined in the illumination of manuscript pages
Examples of Gothic Paintings Lady,and the unicorn tapestry Rose window from the North Transcept The Shepherd David
Sculptures from the Early age Pre-historic sculptures-there sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not human artistry
Example of pre-historic Sculptures Venus of Willendorf Venus of Brassempouy
Venus of Willendorf Have big breast and abdomen and used as charm to ensure fertility.
Venus of Brassempouy A sculpture of lady with a hood. It represents human face and hairstyle
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