1) At the beach


User has deleted their subject information Flashcards on 1) At the beach, created by Deleted user on 23/09/2016.
Deleted user
Flashcards by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
John Goalkeeper
Created by John Goalkeeper about 11 years ago
T. Velasco
Copied by T. Velasco almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bañistas Bathers
Bahía Bay
Pelota de playa Beach ball
Prismáticos Binoculars
Ola grande Breaker
Brisa Breeze
Acantilado Cliff
Costa Coast
Hielera / Enfriador Cooler
Coral / Coralino Coral
Corriente Current
Vestuario / Camerino Dressing room
Duna Dune
Silla plegable Folding Chair
Gafas (protectoras) Goggles
Horizonte Horizon
Isla Island
Cometa Kite
Chaleco salvavidas Life preserver
Cinturón salvavidas Lifebelt
Lancha motora Motorboat
Océano Ocean
Cubo Pail
Velero Sailboat
Arena Sand
Sandalias Sandals
Castillo de arena Sandcastle
Mar Sea
Alga Seaweed
Concha Shell
Orilla Shore
Pala Shovel
Quemadura de sol Sunburn
Gafas de sol Sunglasses
Protector solar Sunscreen
Loción bronceadora Suntan lotion
Tabla de surf Surfboard
Surfistas Surfers
Nadador Swimmer
Piscina Swimming-pool
Bañador de mujer Swimsuit
Marea Tide
Toalla Towel
Sombrilla Umbrella
Ola Wave
Bañador de caballero Swimming trunk
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