French Conjugations


Conjugations of -er, -re and -ir verbs in French.
Quinn Quillfeather
Flashcards by Quinn Quillfeather, updated more than 1 year ago
Quinn Quillfeather
Created by Quinn Quillfeather almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
French Conjugations (in present tense) Conjugations of verbs in French are how you end the verb depending on what tense you are writing in (first person singular, second person plural, etc.)
"-ER" Verbs JE travaille TU travailles IL/ELLE/ON travaille NOUS travaillons VOUS travaillez ILS/ELLES travaillent
"-RE" Verbs J'attends TU attends IL/ELLE/ON attend NOUS attendons VOUS attendez ILS/ELLES attendent
"-IR" Verbs JE finis TU finis IL/ELLE/ON finit NOUS finissons VOUS finissez ILS/ELLES finissent
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