Labelling theory - LECTURE


Andy Williams Lecture
Flashcards by vicky_hunt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by vicky_hunt over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Tannenbaum Dramatization of evil Tagging refusal to dramatise the evil = stops delinquency
Theory saw criminals as... not distinct, unadjusted creatures as social beings, social members of their own group
Edwin Lemet PRIMARY DEVIANCE Acts that are defined as deviant (sociocultural and psychological context)
Edwin Lemet Secondary Deviance when someone uses their deviant identity as their master status (come as a means of deviance)
Symbolic Interactionism crime - subjective
Symbolic focus on the meanings that social situations have for the actors
Interactionist these meanings are shaped by the interactions between the actors
HOW it is defined WHO is defining WHEN it is being defined WHERE it is taking place Sending to prison can further and worsen criminal behaviour
Disintegrative shaming stigmatisation - exclusion
Reintegrative shaming social disapproval - reintegrative - forgiveness
Core concepts symbolic interactionism primary and secondary deviation labelling theory deviancy amplification dramatisation of evil
Goffman 'spoiled identities' way label is applied nature level themselves Perceptions of label - societies perceptions - in media more when doesn't fit a stereotype
labelling theory linked with crime denied the objective reality of crime
Producing Stigma stigma is the problem deviance, sub-cultures way of removing themselves from stigmas question of power and influence
acts and areas that make it illegal the situation deviant due to societal reaction
Moral Panic secure widespread public approval, introduction of sanctions directed against the targeted group
Live by Inference constructed through the use of symbols self-fulfilling prophecy - if we decide something it will happen
Becker 'The Outsiders' groups who label who does the labelling?
Limitations and Criticisms fails to explain the causes of primary deviant behaviour ignores the origins of deviant behaviour underplays the role of state and power doesn't explain why? the public reaction deviant as a victim of society ignores more serious crimes (wasn't enough research) lack of evidence base a perspective rather than a theory (oversold, overused)
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