
Culture & Literature Flashcards on ISLC 2, created by Lisza Neumeier on 02/11/2016.
Lisza Neumeier
Flashcards by Lisza Neumeier, updated more than 1 year ago
Lisza Neumeier
Created by Lisza Neumeier almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Story vs. discourse Chatman? Genette? story: boy meets girl discourse: how does the girl meet the boy? how is it told? who's the narrator? what vs. how?
Wide reading: Intertext Context Intertext: Any kind of text that you can combine/link/refer to the original text (eg.Back to the future, episode of big bang theory, ..) --> any text that refers to time travelling (for the time traveller) Context: for time traveller: (way that late 19th century people thought about science, politcal connections: H.G. Wells was a socialist, he wrote about class systems, ..)
Mind the gap! 1.) Story-discourse 2.) Story-plot 1.) to distinguish between the what and how 2.) to distinguish between the basic chronology of events and the causal connections between events – Story: boy meets girl – they fall in love – their families forbid their relationship – girl pretends to kill herself – boy finds her dead – boy commits suicide – girl commits suicide – Plot: boy and girl are desperate because their families have hated each other for long and are opposed to their relationship. They meet secretly. When the boy has to leave town, the girl pretends to commit suicide, so she can elope with him. The letter she sends to the boy never reaches him. He returns home, finds her dead and kills himself. When she wakes from her pretence-suicide, she finds him dead and kills herself too. (basically same thing, but focus is different) story: very mechancial plot: giving connections and emotional background When talking about plot: already element of interpretation
Categorising literature • Alphabetically by author's surname? • Alphabetically by title? • Geographically by country of origin? • Historically by century / literary period? • "serious" literature versus "trash"? • Canonical authors versus popular writers? • Dead vs. living authors? • Primary versus secondary reading? • By hardcover or paperback? • By author's gender? Age? Class? Skin colour? Shoe size? • By the intended audience's age or gender? • By contents? • By genre?
Erzählprose - Lyrik - Drama English Narrative prose – poetry - drama
How can culture be categorised • High Culture and low culture • popular culture • national culture • working-class culture • mass culture • élite culture • fan culture • male / female culture • football culture • university culture • folk culture • minority / majority culture • indigenous culture • consumer culture
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