Unfamiliar Text Flashcards


These flashcards are made to help NCEA Level 1 students learn their unfamiliar texts quickly and efficiently in time for any exam being sat.
Teagan King
Flashcards by Teagan King, updated more than 1 year ago
Teagan King
Created by Teagan King almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Proper Noun Name of a person or place. (Teagan King, Hamilton)
Pronoun Word that replaces a noun. (He, She, You, Me, I, etc)
Noun Naming word (a person, place or thing) Note: The word 'Effect' is a noun
Onomatopoeia Words that sound like what they mean (Boom, pow, splash)
Adjective Describing word (cheap, fast, good)
Verb Action word (jump, kick) Note: The word 'Affect' is a verb
Conjunction A word that connects two sentences (the, because, so, and, but)
Alliteration Words that start with the same letter to draw attention to them
Personification When an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, attitudes
Metaphor Comparing two unlike things without using like or as
Repetition Repeating words or phrases
Simile A comparison using like or as
Emotive Language Words used deliberately to create an emotional impact
Rhetorical Question A question that is not supposed to answered
Hyperbole An over exaggeration usually used to evoke humour
Assonance The repetition of similar vowel sounds in a series of words
Euphemism A polite expression used in place of words or phrases that might be considered harsh or unpleasant. E.g. "Passed away" instead of died.
Cliché Worn-out, over used expressions. E.g. As old as the hills
Allusion An indirect reference to a historical, mythological or literary that the author assumes the reader will recognise.
Imperative A command that begins with a verb. E.g. "Go and tidy your room!"
Pun Humorous play on words
Inclusive Language Use of personal prounouns to make the audience feel part of a group.
Quotation A sentence or phrase taken from a well-known source. Used due to familiarity purposes.
Colloquial Language Informal language gives a sense of familiarity or informality
Jargon Words that are specific to a certain topic or field
Statistics Specific factual figures regarding a relevant topic
Slang Very informal language used to identify with a particular sub-culture
Tone The mood or feeling of a piece of writing
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