Organisations Enironment


GCSE IT Flashcards on Organisations Enironment, created by Luke Fellows on 10/11/2016.
Luke Fellows
Flashcards by Luke Fellows, updated more than 1 year ago
Luke Fellows
Created by Luke Fellows almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Organisations: Environment Organisations: Environment
Name 6 Sensors - Heat - Light - Sound - Pressure - Humidity - Movement
Name 2 Advantages of Data Logging Taken 24/7 No human Error / Doesn't forget to take a reading Different readings taken at the time time Don'y need anyone there to take them (Automatic) +
Name 1 Disadvantage Can be very expensive Equipment can malfunction and give wrong readings.
Weather Forecasting Systems Weather Forecasting Systems
Name 3 things measured Heat, Pressure, Rainfall, Wind Speeds
Name 4 Advantages Data is collected automatically Collected at the correct time No mistakes when taking readings Data transmitted via radio/satalite Output video/audio
Name 2 Disadvantages Can be very expensive Incorrect forecasts if not setup correctly/it can malfunction
Control Systems Control Systems
How to they work? (3 bits) 3 bits: 1 input 2 outputs
Example Thermometer decides temperature it's to come on at, temperature too low = turn on heating temperature too high = turn on fan
2 Advantages 24/7 Cheaper Works in dangerous places
2 Disadvantages Initial Cost Expensive Unemployment Equipment can go wrong
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