FND 430-900


Final Exam
Julie Harris
Flashcards by Julie Harris, updated more than 1 year ago
Julie Harris
Created by Julie Harris almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
MAOIs Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
SSRIs Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Pharmacogenomics genetically determined variations revealed only by effects of drugs.
Pharmacodynamic stage physiologic response to the drug
Pharmacokinetic stage absorption, distribution, metabolism, distribution of drug
Pharmaceutical stage dissolution or disintegration of the drug
Stages of drug action Pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic
First-Pass the intestinal and hapatic degradation or alteration of a drug or substance taken by mouth after absorption, removing some of the active substance from the blood before it reaches circulation
Bioavailability fraction of the drug that reaches the systemic circulation
Excipient also called inactive ingredients; added to drug formulations for its action as a buffer, binder, filler, flavoring hundreds approved by FDA common allergies are often affected (lactose)
Polypharmacy use of 4 or more drugs during a single time frame
Drug-nutrient interactions include specific changes to the activity of the drug caused by a nutrient or changes to the kinetics of a nutrient caused by a drug
Food-Drug interactions includes the effect of a medication on nutritional status - affect the drug's activity at the site of the action in the body. - affect the absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion of the drug
Unbound fraction medication that is not bound to plasma proteins is able to produce an effect at a target organ
Elimination of a drug drug is eliminated from the body as either an unchanged drug or a metabolite of the original compound. Renal excretion is the major route
individuals at risk for drug-nutrient interactions -poor diet -health problems -children - pregnant women - not following directions -drink alcohol or smoke - older adults -taking 2+medications -taking prescription and overthecounter at the same time -taking meds for long periods of time -nutritional supplements use
tubular reabsorption under certain changes, drugs that have reached the renal tubule may pass back into the bloodstream
Most important drug-biding protein albumin
Low Serum albumin effects on drug metabolism low serum albumin levels often result in acute and chronic inflammatory conditions and low albumin leads to fewer binding sites for highly protein bound drugs. Fewer binding sites mean that a larger free fraction of drug is present in the serum. Patients with low albumin levels (less than 3g/dl) have increased risk - lower dose of drugs is recommended
effect of grapefruit on drug metabolism -inhibits the cytochrom P-450-3A4 enzyme system (responsible for the oxidative metabolism of drugs) -when grapefruit is ingested, the metabolizing enzyme is inhibited irreversibly, which reduces the normal metabolism of the drug -this reduction in metabolism allows more of the drug to reach the systemic circulation and the increase in blood levels of the unmetabolized drug results in greater pharmacologic effects and possible toxicity
homeopathy medical theory and practice advance to counter the conventional medical practices of 200 years ago. It endeavors to help the body heal itself by treating like with like - commonly known as Law of similars
Law of Similars based on the theory that if a large amount of a substance causes symptoms in a healthy person, a smaller amount of the same substance can be used to treat an ill person
Homeopathy remedies The amounts of the remedies are extremely diluted. Remedies are potentizedand become more powerful through a shaking process called succussion. A remedy becomes more stronger the more it is diluted.
Goal of homeopathic remedies to select a remedy that will bring about a sense of well-being on all levels and that will alleviate physical symptoms and restore health and creative energy
Clinical evidence of homeopathy highly contradicotry
Naturopathy is a primary care medicine that uses the healing power of nature to restore and maintain optimum health
Guiding principles of naturopathy Primum Non Nocere- First do no harm Tolle Causam - Treat the root cause of illness Docere - Doctor as teacher
clinical evidence of naturopathy licensed in the US to practice in 17 states and 2 territories, training includes pathology, microbiology, phycial and clinilcal diagnosis, pharmacognosy (clinical training in botanical medicine)
CAM complementary and alternative medicine
Increase of CAM expansion of training opportunities expansion of medical reimbursements nursing and medical curricula is including integrative training
East Asian Medicine based on the concept that energy, also termed chi (qi) or life-force energy is central to the functioning of the body
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