Physics Mechanics


AS - Level Physics Flashcards on Physics Mechanics , created by Talent Msipa on 21/11/2016.
Talent  Msipa
Flashcards by Talent Msipa, updated more than 1 year ago
Talent  Msipa
Created by Talent Msipa almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name the SI unit for mass, length , time , temperature , electric current and amount of substance. Kg, m ,seconds , kelvin , Amps , moles
Name the prefixes for Micro , tera , giga and mega . 10^-6 , 10^12 , 10^9 , 10^6
What is a scalar Quantity ? A magnitude that consists of just the magnitude (size)
What is a vector quantity ? a quantity that has both magnitude and direction
Name five scalar quantities ? Density , Temperature , Pressure , Frequency and Power
Name five vector quantities ? Displacement , Velocity , Acceleration , Force and momentum
What is speed ? Speed is the distance over time
what is the unit for speed ? ms^2
What is acceleration ? the rate in change in velocity
What is the difference between speed and acceleration? Speed is a scalar quantity and acceleration is a vector quantity
What does a straight line in displacement time graph show ? Constant velocity
What is instantaneous velocity ? the gradient at any point of the displacement time graph
What is the area underneath speed time graphs? Displacement
In the equations of motion what is represented by suvat ? Displacement , initial velocity , final velocity , acceleration and time
What is free fall ? downward movement under the force of gravity only
What is the numerical value for gravity ? 9.81 ms^2
What is force ? strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement( push or pull)
What is gravitational force , magnetic force and electrical force ? between two objects with a certain mass , between two magnetic objects and charged objects
what is the name of the force that combines electrical force and magnetic force ? Electromagnetic force
Name the First Newton Law and what equation is associated with it ? When an object has no resultant force on it , it wont accelerate it will stay at constant velocity , F=ma
What is weight , its equation ? Gravitantional force on a body , W= mg
What is drag ? its the resistive force the an object experiences when travelling through liquid
Terminal Velocity ? this is when drag and air resistance reaches equilibrium on an object
What is the centre of gravity ? a point where the entire weight of an object is considered to act as a single force.
What is a couple ? It occurs when two forces are equal to each other and opposite to each other but not in a straight line
What is a torque ? Used to describe the turning effect of a couple
Equation for torque ? one of the forces * perpendicular distance between them (nm)
What is the principle of moments ? in a rotation the sum of the clockwise moments is equal to the sum of the anticlockwise moments
Equation for moment ? Fx ( f = force and x = perpendicular distance )
What is Density ? mass perunit volume and si unit = kgm^3
What is pressure ? Force per unit area (pascal )
Equation to work out pressure in liquid ? hpg (h=height , p = density and g = gravity )
What is Thinking distance ? Speed * reaction time
What is breaking distance ? time taken from hitting the brakes to coming to a stop
What is stopping distance ? thinking distance + breaking distance
Equation for car safety kinetic energy ? breaking force * breaking distance
Name 3 things that increase crash time ? seatbelts , crumple zones and air bags
What are crumple zones ? a part of a motor vehicle, especially the extreme front and rear, designed to crumple easily in a crash and absorb the main force of an impact.
What are air bags ? The airbag module is designed to inflate extremely rapidly then quickly deflate during a collision or impact with a surface or a rapid sudden deceleration.
Seat belts ? secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful movement that may result during a collision or a sudden stop.
What is the equation for work ? work = force * distance
What is the conservation of energy ? total energy in = total energy out (energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be moved from state to state )
What is gravitational potential energy ? energy stored in an object by virtue of its position in a gravitational field
What is the equation for kinetic Energy ? 1/2 mv^2 ( m = mass , v= speed )
What is power ? The rate of doing work
Equation for power ? workdone / time taken
What is efficiency ? the ratio of the useful work performed by a machine or in a process to the total energy expended or heat taken in
Equation for efficiency ? useful output energy / total outpul energy *100
What are sankey diagrams ? Diagrams used to show the efficiency of energy
What are the two types of stretch ? Elastic and plastic
What is Elastic stretch ? when you stretch a material and it returns to its original form
What is plastic stretch ? When a material becomes deformed , where it is permanently stretched
What are tensile forces ? forces that stretch because they cause tension in the object
What are compressive forces ? when you reduce the material`s length by squishing it (spring )
What is elastic limit ? is a point in a material where it has maximised its elasticity
What is plastic deformation ? when an object wont return to its original shape
What is Hooke's law ? the extension of the elastic body is proportional to the force that caused it
Equation for Hooke's law ? F=Kx (x=extension k = for per unit )
What is young modulus ? The ratio between stress and strain
What is stress and strain ? stress is the force per unit cross-sectional area (force / area ) Strain is extension per unit length
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