

2016 CSEC Economics (Section 6 - Economic Management) Flashcards on Unemployment, created by Nikolas Reece on 24/11/2016.
Nikolas Reece
Flashcards by Nikolas Reece, updated more than 1 year ago
Nikolas Reece
Created by Nikolas Reece almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
define unemployment those who are part of the labour force and actively seeking employment but are unable to source a job.
the unemployment rate the proportion of individuals of the labour force who are unemployed. = Unemployed/ Labour Force x 100
the labour force the number of available workers in a country. This consists of people above 18 years and under 65 years of age who are willing and able to work.
full employment this refers to the situation where the unemployment rate is about 2%. This is also known as the 'natural rate of unemployment'
labour force participation rate the proportion of people of the overall population who are in the Labour Force = (Labour Force/ Population) x 100
Four negative effects of unemployment - lower tax revenue for govt - increased govt expenditure on unemployment benefits - potential increase in social ills like crime and illicit drug trade - lower production of output
five types/causes of unemployment • Cyclical Unemployment • Structural Unemployment • Real Wage unemployment • Seasonal Unemployment • Frictional Unemployment
cyclical unemployment the levels of unemployment which vary with the different stages of the business trade cycle.
structural unemployment there are jobs available but there are not a sufficient number of people qualified to fill the vacant jobs due to not having the necessary skills and ability
real wage unemployment occurs when wages are above the equilibrium level causing the supply of labour to be greater than demand.
seasonal unemployment seasonal changes in demand for labour as reflected by seasonal changes in demand fluctuations for goods and services in the industry eg tourism.
frictional unemployment unemployment occurring when people’s switching jobs or when school graduates are looking for a new job
solutions to cyclical unemployment expansionary fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate the economy and increase aggregate demand which will increase the demand for labour
solutions to structural unemployment Government spending on education and training helps increase workers’ skills and makes them more employable.
solutions to seasonal unemployment Provide employment subsidies to firms during the off season to pay workers wages Government unemployment relief jobs during off season.
solutions to frictional unemployment 1. government labour agency recruitment campaign 2. On-the-job-training programs (OJT) for school graduates
define trade union an organisation whose membership is made up of workers and union officials
1 roles of the trade unions 1. Improve the terms and conditions of employment to ensure workers receive fair and equitable compensation for their services.
role of the trade union Ensure workers are employed in a safe and health working environment which is not detrimental to their health
role of trade union Negotiation of terms and conditions of employment via the collective bargaining agreement
collective bargaining agreement a written, legally enforceable contract between an employer and a trade union and an employer stating the terms and conditions of employment
industrial action legal lawful action taken by the labour union in protest against any deviations by the employer from the collective bargaining agreement.
Labour Unions OWTU – Oilfield Workers Trade Unions
Local Labour Unionists Tubal Uriah ‘Buzz’ Butler. Under his leadership the strike began on June 19, 1937 – the day we commemorate today as Labour Day.
local trade unionists Adrian Cola Rienzi - who became the Union’s first President General of OWTU
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