English - Drama Vocabulary


English Flashcards on English - Drama Vocabulary, created by Shelby Allen on 04/12/2016.
Shelby Allen
Flashcards by Shelby Allen, updated more than 1 year ago
Shelby Allen
Created by Shelby Allen almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hamartia A fatal flaw that leads to the downfall of a tragic hero
Hubris Excessive Pride
Nemesis Harm. (The agent of the hero's downfall)
Anagnoresis Moment of recognition
Peripeteia A reversal in roles from higher to lower
Chorus A group of actors who comment on the action together
Strophe First section of an ode. (shift of the chorus)
Antistrophe Second section of an ode. (shift of the chorus)
Epode Third section of an ode. (shift of the chorus)
Catastrophe Destruction of tragedy onto the hero
Catharsis Emotional release after reading a tragedy
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