xISLC 11


Culture & Literature Flashcards on xISLC 11, created by Lisza Neumeier on 08/12/2016.
Lisza Neumeier
Flashcards by Lisza Neumeier, updated more than 1 year ago
Lisza Neumeier
Created by Lisza Neumeier almost 8 years ago

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Question Answer
Consumer culture and identity consumption and identity related? consumption is part of the circuit of culture -I shop, therefore I am (playing with cogito, ergo sum) -how far choices that consumers make positions them as consumers -consumption and identity are related in a way that as consumers you make (active) choices some people eject eating at MCDonalds, buying from Amazon (clear way of position themselves in terms of identity) many people decided to eat vegan food ecological term in being vegan, buying eco food; there’s also a cultural aspect sustainability: 80s, then disappeared, now came back (big) → sociologist have been trying to find out how events in these eras effected fashions and trends
consumption word? 2 word meanings 2 developed meanings over time theory of consumption? consume=use up, destroy (a house was consumed by fire; 14th century) -consumption was used to speak about a disease like eg. TB (body was used up by the disease) - mainly used for women -today: material culture (relationship between people and things; how objects are used by people and are given meaning by people that used them) theory of consumption: Karl Marx's The Capital (1867)
commodification 3 synonyms by whom? What did he say exactly? "reification", "objectification" or "thingification" Marx: an object that was not used for trade previously is turned into a commodity; social relations are expressed through objects -based on psychological process when abstract things turn into things -eg. feeling people have towards country: materialized through flag. market value: how much does this flag cost? where do i buy it?.. → cover up the social relations that are engaged in this connection
What does Marx say about the market? Marx says: Market in capitalism was being naturalized by buyers, sellers and producers who perceived it as an independent entity → gross representation for Marx because Market was not a living thing
examples for commodifcation smoking indigenous person (ad for cigarettes: turned into commodity (you have sth - set of values or concept- that has been turned into material good)) butter: native american is used to draw attention to the landscape --healthy, ...indigenous nature of people that live on a land produces butter commodification royal family that is commodified: royal couple as PEZ, crown jewels condoms..
cultural capital what? by whom? coined by Pierre Bourdieu: he stated that cultural capital is a resource to draw on and is used to distinguish between social classes -it accumulated throughout life (classes distinguished by wealth or education for instance eg. when we think about our education and where we are now, this is also a result of the cultural capital we carry) cultural preferences are acquired rather than totally individual (context of peer groups) cultural preferences are class markes you consum certain media and products on the basis of economic and cultural capital cultural capital decides whether we listen to Ö3 or Ö1 in the morning. eg. as teachers we contribute to the cultural capital of young children eg. Shakespeare: you don’t need to read him in class, but still can introduce his in class and with that contribute to the cultural capital of students
The child 3 possible ways of defining the child legal definition, biological definition, social/cultural defintions
legal definition -every human being under the age of 18; unless under legal circumstances… -a bit arbitrary -also we don’t think of children as being 17 -Minderjähriger: minor (implies certain category; not a word that is positively connotated)
biological definitions -young refugees who arrive in Europe sometimes come without papers: hard to say whether they’re under 18 or not -on basis of bone structure/teeth, there are doctors who determine if they’re eigtheen or not -->highly problematic definition loses its absoluteness: if adults: send back; if not: special care by the state ---> it has a huge effect on a persons life, whether being child or not -childhood is a developmental stage and as with all the developments you can’t have a cutoff point in a persons body or sth; if you have a birthdate, this suddenly becomes a moment it gives us certain votes, or go to school, or retire → major significance; on the other hand it’s just a date biological definitions in connection to power become very important
social/cultural definitions -in many/all culture this move from childhood to adulthood is usually celebrated in some form and seen as sth good: party, ritual like killing an animal, receiving the house keys, wearing sth different ,.. -so is still in short trousers: fact that young boys would only wear short trousers even in cold Britain (after the war): phrase for saying so is very young -social/cultural defintion cannot be pinned down, but for community is significant → no universal agreement what a child is; happens before adulthood; except that it is the opposite of adulthood
The market for boys and girls -increasingly happening in UK eg. google search -girls: pink dominant -boys: variant -culturally speaking: interesting problem: a lot of girls love pink -question of diversity (sameness) -the one color-scheme implies that the role for girls/women is seem as sth rather uniform in terms of color. even if its a car thats pink boys: variety of color! very little light blue → not academic procedure the toy itself: boy very physically, moving stuff around; girl setts up houses gender in books: how to be gorgeous vs. how to be clever
Counter-Discourses -nerf gun girl -blog: Let toys be toys -blog: a mighty girl: you can buy games for girls (not gender-stereotypical) -clip from gender activist:
perspective of representation (cf. gender activist clip) homogenizing represenation: very stereotypical notion of beauty.. point thats being made: the majority still works along this lines (+American context)
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