English Intermediate Flashcards


Cartões para treino diário de inglês intermediário.
Alexandre Govea
Flashcards by Alexandre Govea, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexandre Govea
Created by Alexandre Govea over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Yes Si
He could ride a horse when he was five. Grammar : Could We use could to talk about ability in the past. T: Eles andavam a cavalo quando eles tinham 5 anos.
You made the comment that the whole movie is in the trailer. Vocabulary: Whole Whole . adjective: all of, entire noun: all of something, a thing that is complete in itself. synonym: complete, full.
I’m going to be a teacher when I’m older. Grammar : going to_ Specific to plans_
I got soaked to the skin. Vocabulary : Soaked Eu estou molhado até os ossos
The queue for buying tickets was unbelievably long. Vocabulary: Queue A fila para comprar os ingressos estava incrivelmente longa.
After the obligatory queueing outside in the cold, we were ushered into the stadium to wait inside. Depois da fila obrigatória do lado de fora no frio, nós fomos convocados para esperar dentro do estádio
So it seens apparently T: Assim parece
soaked very wet . T: Muito molhado
How do they start the conversation ? Como eles iniciam a conversa?
She is no spring chicken Ela năo é uma garota tăo jovem
Allow me also to say one thing about the issue that has created some kerfuffle, namely voting rights. Permitam-me proferir também algumas palavras sobre o tema que provocou alguma confusăo, designadamente o direito de voto.
Each regionalism has words, preferences, phrases and slang that are unique to its region. Cada regionalismo tem palavras, preferęncias, expressőes e gírias exclusivas de sua regiăo.
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