Ancient Greece


Sociales Flashcards on Ancient Greece, created by mara cubillo on 01/02/2017.
mara cubillo
Flashcards by mara cubillo, updated more than 1 year ago
mara cubillo
Created by mara cubillo over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
3000 BC - 1450 BC Minoan civilization
500 BC - 338 BC Classical age
1450 BC - 1200 BC Mycenean civilization
338 BC - 31 BC Hellenistic age
1200 BC - 800 BC Dark age
800 BC - 500 BC Archaic age
European Greece Balkan peninsula and Peloponnese peninsula
Asian Greece Areas along the coast of the anatolian peninsula
The Greek Islands Islands in the Aegean sea and the Mediterranean sea and along the coast of Asia Minor
The land was... Not fertile
Why? Agriculture and farming were difficult because of the mountains
Greeks obtaind products from territories over the sea, so there were expert Sailors
Greece was divided into independent city-states called... Polis
The ancient name for Greece was?? And the ancient name for greeks was?? Hellas. Hellenes
Athens: 1st form of government was ... 2nd form of government was ... 1st Aristocraty 2nd Democraty
who were the person/people who held power, voted for laws, elected public presentatives and decided on wars?? Citizens
Who was the leader of Athens in the Classical age and introduced democraty Pericles
Boys were educated from... to... From six or seven years to 18 years.
They were taught... Politics, history, mathematics and philosophy and they did sports
At 18 boys started.... military training
At 2o boys finished... and became... Finished military training and became citizens
Girls... Were not educated
Political system in Sparta Oligarchy
Physical fitness was very important
Both Men and Women Trained
Sparta: Boys and girls were sent to Military schools with 7 years until 19
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