Vocab for SHSAT


study these words for the upcoming shsat test I will be posting 1 set of words each week ENJOY!
Dove Cameron
Flashcards by Dove Cameron, updated more than 1 year ago
Dove Cameron
Created by Dove Cameron over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ebullient overflowing with enthusiasm
acerbic sharp tempered/cruel
volatile tending to vary frequently
bellicose aggressive
mollify to soothe
ravine deep, narrow gorge/canyon
alacrity speed or cheerful willingness
query question
impassive showing no emotion
appease to calm; pacify
pedagogical related to teaching
eclectic selecting from various sources
scrupulous very through
scathing very severe and harsh
assessment appraisal/value
perspective point of view
savant learned person
reclusive seeking seclusion/retirement
pique to arouse/excite
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