Evangelism, Chapter 2 - Analyzing the Great Commission


Evangelism, Chapter 2 - Analyzing the Great Commission
Julie Gholston
Flashcards by Julie Gholston, updated more than 1 year ago
Julie Gholston
Created by Julie Gholston over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Great Commission always includes the dual components of evangelism & discipleship
Jesus used the Parable of the Sower to identify spiritual hindrances in people's spiritual lives
The believer's role in personal evangelism is to clearly explain the gospel, allowing the Holy Spirit to convince the lost
Studies have shown that most personal evangelism is carried out by believers who have Christians for less than a year
The ultimate goal of fulfilling the Great Commision is to present every kind of person to God complete in Christ
Jesus' purpose in identifying geographical regions in the Great Commission was to describe the equal importance of sharing the gospel in every part of the world
The homogeneous principle is an application of secular sociological research to church growth principles
The hospital analogy of the church is used to illustrate those people the lawyer was not obligated to love
When considering the homogeneous principle in the light of personal evangelism, the believer is to see it as a tool for connecting the gospel with specific types of people
What are the two constant components of the Great Commission evangelism & discipleship
What is the objective of evangelism? To lead a person to Christ resulting in a life that obeys His teachings & followings
What vital concept must be in mind before someone is ready to receive Christ? That person should be aware of the cost of following Christ
Why is it inaccurate to describe evangelism as "persuasion intended to convince the lost of the gospel's truth?" Evangelists are to share the gospel message clearly, but it is the Holy Spirit who convinces the nonbeliever of its truth.
Why is the concept of "both" in Acts 1:8 important to the full application of the Great Commission The both emphasis reveals that each regional designation in the great Commission is equally important
Why is the homogeneous principle connected to some church growth models? Some church growth theorists advocate that a church will grow more quickly and smoothly if the congregation is composed of the same kind of people
How does the gospel differ from the homogeneous principle? The gospel is directed to the lost in every part of the world and does not make distinctions between people. It always seeks to draw every kind of person into fellowship with Christ and His church
How does the parable of the Good Samaritan apply to the Great Commission? Believers should recognize all who are around them as neighbors and determine to reach them with the gospel
How can a homogeneous approach to evangelism contribute to fulfilling the Great Commission Strategically targeting specific neglected groups of people diversifies the body of Christ
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