Shsat Vocab set #4


Guys plz comment and like I've worked hard and hope you like these sets lol THx
Dove Cameron
Flashcards by Dove Cameron, updated more than 1 year ago
Dove Cameron
Created by Dove Cameron over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Meme lol
synthesis combination
anthithesis the opposite of
paragon model of perfection
attributes qualities
criteria standards used in judging
amiable friendly; likable
surmise to make an educated guess
pulchritude beauty
skewed distorted in meaning
acme highest point
titan person of great stature or achievement
obscure not easily understood
conform to be in accord ( agreement )
scenario possible situation or chain of events
negligent careless; inattentive
discourse formal, lengthy discussion
consensus general agreement
immersed deeply involved; absorbed
ponder to think deeply
acumen keenness of insight
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