Training - Key Terms


Flashcards on Training - Key Terms, created by Owen Reynolds on 13/03/2017.
Owen Reynolds
Flashcards by Owen Reynolds, updated more than 1 year ago
Owen Reynolds
Created by Owen Reynolds over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Extranet A section of the organisation's intranet that is available for external use, for example by suppliers or customers
Induction training The training carried out when new employee joins an organisation
Task-based Training Trains the user to carry out a specific routine activity, such as filling in an on-on screen data entry form or operating an EPOS checkout.
Skill-Based training Aims to give the user transferable skills that can be used in a variety of ways to perform a range of functions
Natural language interface Allows the user to ask questions in normal words rather than using technical terms. For example a user could search for 'reduce errors' rather than needing o know the term 'validation'
Context-sensitive help Gves information based on what the user was during when they pressed the help button
Third-party manals Are provided by publishers other than the software house that produced the software . They are generally available for popular generic software where there is sufficient market to justify their development
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