Questions on 1.1


Flashcards on Questions on 1.1, created by zahruzuby on 10/05/2013.
Flashcards by zahruzuby, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zahruzuby almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How does an ocean wave transfer energy across the ocean? An ocean wave transferes energy across the ocean by travelling many kilometers without the water itself moving, what is moving is the energy.
How are all mechanical waves similar? Mechanical waves are all similar because they all transfer energy through matter.
How do stadium waves differ from a real ocean wave? Ocean waves use water and stadium waves use people.
What is a transverse wave? Can you give two examples? A transverse wave is a wave where the direction of the wave is parallel or at right angles to the disturbance. Two examples are water waves and when you make a disturbance in a rope in an up and down motion.
Describe how forces start waves. Forces start waves because forces trigger a disturbance and a disturbance is what causes a wave.
Explain how a wave can travel through a medium and yet the medium stays in place.T The medium stays in place because the energy in the wave is travelling, not the whole amount of matter.
Describe two ways in which waves travel, and give an example of each. One way in which waves travel are longitudinal waves, where the direction of the waves is the same as the direction of the disturbance. An example of a longitudinal wave is a sound wave. Another way a wave travels is a transverse wave, which is when the direction of the wave is perpendicular or at right angles to the direction of the disturbance. An example of a transverse wave is a water wave.
Does water moving through a hose qualify as a wave? Explain why or why not. No because the matter is moving the whole way, and even though energy is being passed through the water, the water is still moving the whole way.
Suppose you drop a cookie crumb into your milk. At once, you see ripples spreading across the surface of the milk. What type of waves are these? What was the disturbance? The type of wave was a transverse wave because the water waves were perpendicular to the disturbance. The disturbance was the cookie crumb falling into the milk.
Suppose you had a rope long enough to extend several blocks down your street. If you were to start a wave in that rope, do you think it would continue all the way down the street? Explain why or why not. I don't think the wave would be able to continue all the way down the street because not enough energy would be passing through, for it to last that long.
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