The layers of the atmosphere


8th Grade Flashcards on The layers of the atmosphere, created by 17asanjay on 14/05/2013.
Flashcards by 17asanjay, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 17asanjay over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How does the air/atmosphere compare to the ocean? They are very similar, like the ocean the troposphere has turbulence, eddies and waves. Earth's atmosphere can also erode rock like the ocean's wave action. The troposphere can be categorized as a fluid
Give 2 characteristics of the Stratosphere 1. The temperature is stable and he air is dry 2. The temperature increases as you go up due to radiation
What is the ozone layer? Made up of molecules of O3 which is a concentrated version of oxygen.
What is the function of the ozone layer? 1. Protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun, allowed life to form on Earth. 2. Converts the energy from the Sun into heat
What is causing the hole in the ozone layer? The breakdown of CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons) causes the breakdown of O3, depleting the ozone layer. CFC's are released from refrigeration equipment nitric oxide - the exhaust from jet planes
What is the purpose of the Mesosphere? It protects Earth from meteoroids, the meteors disintegrate due to friction
What is the temperature like in the Thermosphere? Sunlight strikes this layer first, so it has the most heat. Even though the particles move extremely fast, they are spread out and don't collide much so the actual temperature is very low.
What happens in the ionosphere? Harmful solar winds are intercepted by the Earth's magnetic field, they are deflected to the poles - creates the Aurora. Radio waves bounce off the ionosphere and back to Earth.
Which layer contains the most of the atmosphere's mass? Troposphere
In which layer is solar energy converted to heat energy? Exosphere
How is the solar energy converted to heat energy? Nitrogen and Oxygen convert the energy
In which layer are satellites located? Exosphere
What happens to the temperature as you go up in the Troposphere? It decreases
What is the bottom layer of the atmosphere and how far is it from the Earth's surface? the Troposphere 0-12 km from Earth
What is the second layer of the atmosphere? the Stratosphere
In which layer is the ozone layer? the Stratosphere
What is the 3rd layer of the atmosphere? the Mesosphere
What is the 4th layer of the atmosphere? the Thermosphere
How far from the Earth's surface is the Stratosphere? 12 -50 km
How far is the Mesosphere from the Earth's surface? 50-80 km
Which 2 layers make up the Thermosphere? the Ionosphere and the Exosphere
How far is the Thermosphere from Earth's surface? 80+ km
How far is the Ionosphere from Earth's surface? 80-400 km
How far is the Exosphere from Earth's surface? 400+ km
The jet stream is in the... Stratosphere
Give 2 characteristics of the Troposphere 1. It is the layer in which the weather occurs so it's unpredictable 2. It is oxygen-rich and moist - life depends on it
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