Science 2.2


Flashcards on Science 2.2 , created by raneem alammar on 16/05/2017.
raneem alammar
Flashcards by raneem alammar, updated more than 1 year ago
raneem alammar
Created by raneem alammar over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the states have? Each of the states of matter has its own characteristic properties that can be explained using a simple model called the particle model.
Why are the model used in science ? Scientists often use model to test or explain something that is difficult to understand .
What is an analogy ? The heart is often compared with a water pump this simple type of model is known as an analogy .
Give two example of an analogy? Like a pump , and like the heart.
What are everything made of in the particle model? In the particle model , all substances are thought to be made of incredibly small , hard balls called particals.
What are thout models and how do scientists use them ? "Thought" models help scientists imagine objects and events that are difficult to understand .
What is the difference between good and bad thought models ? Good scientific thought models are always supported by lots of scientific observations and evidence. Bad thought models are quickly dismissed because they don't have much real behind them.
What is the particle model? The properties model is a "thought " model that attempts to explain the properties of substances.
Whate are the 4 things that the properties model assumes ? 1) all substances are made up of tiny particles that are too small to see even with a normal microscop. 2) Even if it is a very small amount , the particles always have energy and are moving . 3) the particles move about more and move faster as temperature is increased. 4) the closer the particles are to one another,the stronger the attraction between them.
What are bonds? Forces between neighbouring particles form bonds that hold all the particles in the solid .
What do particles in a solid do ? The particles in a solid are closely packed in fixed positions, together.
What happens when you increase the temperature in a solid? If you increase the yemperature , this gives the particles more energy and so they vibration more .
What are the properties of solids ? 1) a fixed shape and does not fow. 2) incompressible. 3) expand ( get larger) when heated and contract ( get smaller) when cooled.
How the partical model explains the physical properties of solids ? *The particles are strongly bonded to their nieghbours, fixing their position. * the particles cannot be pushed closer to each other because they are so closely packed that there is almost no space between them. * Heating causes the particles to vibrate faster ,making them spread further apart and causing the solid to expand . cooling slows down vibration and the opposite happens.
What are the properties of liquids? Flow to take the shape of the bottom of their container. * incompressible. * expand when heated and contract when cooled.
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