

Flashcards on Endosymbiosis, created by jasmine.815 on 19/05/2014.
Flashcards by jasmine.815, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jasmine.815 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is symbiosis? The living together of 2 unlike organisms
What is cellular endosymbiosis? When a single cell organisms lives in a host cell
Who proposed the theory of endosymbiosis? Lynn Margulis
Describe the mechanism of endosymbiosis? 1. Phagocytosis of a prokaryote 2. Host cell and endosymbiont reproduce 3. Development of an interdependence
Which 2 organelles are thought to have derived from prokaryotes? Chloroplasts and mitochondria
Early eukaryotes engulfed ________ which lead to ______ and _______. Other early eukaryotes engulfed _________ which lead to _________. mitochondria animals fungi chloroplast plants
Name the 6 supporting evidence of endosymbiosis of mitochondria and chloroplasts 1. They have their own circular geode 2. They contain 70S ribosomes 3. Chloroplasts use FtsZ 4. Chloroplast and cyanobacteria have thylakoid membranes 5. Both are surrounded by a double membrane 6. Bacteria and mitochondria share a specific membrane lipid (cardiolipin)
So overall what is the reason why chloroplast and mitochondria are thought to have derived from prokaryotes? They share organisational similarities
What is a nucleomorph? A DNA containing relict of an engulfed eukaryote
What is secondary endosymbiosis? E.g. a cyanobacterium engulfed by eukaryote to form algae that is then engulfed by another eukaryote to form something else ^^
Give an example of endosymbiosis happening today Lichen fungal hyphae + photosynthetic cyanobacteria or algae
Give another example of endosymbiosis today Corals Sea anemone-like polyps (Anthozoa) + Photosynthetic Zooxanthaela
Describe what is exchanged between polyps and zooxanthella in coral endosymbiosis Polyps provide O2 and nutrients, Zooxanthella provide CO2 and nutrients
About 1.6 billion years ago how were prokaryotes thought to have formed their nuclear envelope? By invagination of the plasma membrane
How does having a double plasma membrane support endosymbiosis theory? The outer layer is probably reminiscent of the plasma membrane of the host, the inner membrane resembles the plasma membrane of the previous bacterium - probably occurred due to incomplete phagocytosis
What is FtsZ? A prokaryotic tubulin homologue for fission
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