Chapter 2


Vocabulary Flashcards on Chapter 2, created by missjenig on 15/05/2013.
Flashcards by missjenig, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by missjenig almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. Instigate (Chapter 2) to bring about by moving others to action; stir up
2. Rudimentary (Chapter 2) Fundamental; necessary to learn first
3. Resilient (Chapter 2) Able to recover quickly from harm, illness, or misfortune
4. Collaborate (Chapter 2) To work together on a project; cooperate in an effort
5. Zealot (Chapter 2) A person totally devoted to a purpose or cause (an extremist).
6. Squelch (Chapter 2) To silence or suppress; crush
7. Venerate (Chapter 2) To respect deeply; revere
8. Despondent (Chapter 2) Downhearted; hopeless; overwhelmed with sadness (depressed)
9. Retrospect (chapter 2) Reviewing the past; considering past events
10. Scoff (Chapter 2) To make fun of; mock; refuse to take seriously
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