Synthesis routes of aromatic compounds


A-Level Chemistry Flashcards on Synthesis routes of aromatic compounds, created by Emily Hargreaves on 06/14/2017.
Emily Hargreaves
Flashcards by Emily Hargreaves, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Hargreaves
Created by Emily Hargreaves over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Nitration of Benzene - Electrophillic substitution - Warm benzene with c. HNO3 and c. H2SO4. - <55 °c
Sulfonation of Benzene - Boil benzene under reflux with c. H2SO4 for several hours or... - Warm benzene to 40 °c with fuming sulfuric acid for 30 mins.
Alkylation of Benzene - Reflux benzene and a chloroalkane with a halogen carrier such as AlCl3.
Chlorination of Benzene - Warm with Cl2 and an AlCl3 catalyst (the halogen carrier - AlCl3 polarises halogen molecules such as Br2 and Cl2, so the positive end of the halogen molecule then acts as an electrophile, undergoing electrophillic addition with the benzene ring.)
Acylation of Benzene - Reflux benzene with and acyl chloride (RCOCl) and AlCl3 catalyst. - The acyl chloride and AlCl3 form an acylium ion which then acts as an electrophile and goes on to react with benzene.
Making an Azo Dye - Amino benzene + HNO2/HCl (<5 °c) Forms benzenediazonium chloride use in the: Coupling reaction - React with phenol + NaOH (<5°c) Forms the Azo Dye.
Phenol --> Sodium phenoxide - Phenol + NaOH (20°c) - Forms sodium phenoxide + water
Phenol --> Phenyl Ethanoate - Phenol + CH3COCl (20°c) - Forms Phenyl Ethanoate + HCl
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