Network topologies


Flashcards on Network topologies, created by onans001.303 on 16/05/2013.
Flashcards by onans001.303, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by onans001.303 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cons - Bus Networks With lots of signals the system slows down. If central cable fails, so does the whole system Pros - Bus Networks Cheap
Ring Networks Similiar to bus,but connected in a ring Data flows in one direction ONLY
Pros of Ring Network Cheap Fast - because data flows in one direction Cons of Ring Networks -With a lot of users the system becomes slow. Failure of the ring brings down the whole network down. -Data flows in one direction ONLY
Line/Bus networks Data is sent to and from the server, along a line of cables All terminals are connected using a central line
How many network topologies are there? Name them! There are FIVE network topologies: Star Mesh Tree Ring Bus
Wireless networks can be thought of a type of star network without cables. -Give access to a central computer -Often used when there are a large number of workstations that need connecting -Each worksation is connected to the central computer (either mainframe or server)
Pros of star network -Performance on part of the network isnt affected by others -Easy to add more workstations Cons of star network Failure in the central computer will mean failure to the whole network Uses alot of cabling if a wired.
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